Chapter 9 - The weekend garage

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We entered the weekend garage, and was immediately greeted by An.

Tsukasa, Rui, An, Akito, Toya, Kohane

"Hey Tenma senpai, haven't seen you for a while-"


"Yes Shiraishi?"


"Haha... I didn't expect you to be here."

"My father runs this cafe, I come here everyday to look after it."

"Back then, Tenma senpai comes here after every hospital visit for a quick snack, I was wondering why he hasn't came here for so long."

"I was really busy..."

"So... The usual?"


"And Kamishiro senpai?"

"One espresso shot, five almond shortbreads and a croissant, toasted."

One espresso shot... Did I hear that right?

"Espresso? You mean that super bitter coffee?"

"Yeah, it's pretty nice once you get used to it."

We sat at a table while waiting for our orders, Akito and Toya walked in with a girl that I haven't seen before.

"Oh hey, the usual?"

"Yeah, but Azusawa wants less sugar in her cappuccino today."

"Coming right up."

Akito and Toya noticed us, and they were both shocked.

Akito and Toya, simultaneously:

"Oh, hey Shinonome and Aoyagi, surprised to see me?"

"Um, what's going on here?"

"Oh right, Azusawa don't know them-"

"Save that explanation for later, we need to introduce them first."

"Hi, I'm Kamishiro Rui."

"I'm Tenma Tsukasa."

"I'm... Azusawa Kohane... Nice to meet you."

"you hang out with Akito and Toya right? I haven't seen you around before."

"I always come to the cafe at this time, we'll be going to practice now."

"Wait for me, I'm still looking after the cafe!"

The cafe door opens, An's father walks in, they exchange glances and An, Akito, Toya and Kohane walks off. Me and Rui continue our snacks.


Sora's notes

really nothing of note here so here's yatta

really nothing of note here so here's yatta

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