Chapter 10 - The confession

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Tsukasa, Rui

"How do you drink something so bitter?"

"I couldn't handle the taste neither when I started, I got used to it eventually. Wanna try it?"

He handed me the espresso, without a second thought, I took a sip. It's as bad as they say, really bitter. 

We walked out and entered SEKAI, the hues are dull as ever.

"The colors have faded so much while I was gone huh? Now it's as bad as decaf."

I realized something.

I drank the espresso in the same glass Rui drank in.

This is...

An indirect kiss?!

I can feel my face go warm, my heart racing, the same feeling I had on that day that I found my feeling for Rui.

Is this really it?

Should I say it?

What if he only thinks of me as a friend?

But I'm so sure that he did it intentionally, then I heard his soft giggles.

"Fufu, you're really embarrassed with that realization, aren't you?"

"A little bit... But I like it, because..."

The words are stuck in my throat, unable to escape.


Still unable to say it, my face is practically red.

"Because I love you."

I looked at Rui, his face is starting to get a bit red, he is shocked with this response.

Oh no.

I ruined it.

But instead of a negative emotion, I saw a smirk, as if he's wanting that response.

"So the feeling is mutual."

I wasn't expecting this response, it caught me off guard.

SEKAI's hues are slowly being restored

Suddenly, Rui grabbed my waist, we started at each other, my arms around his neck. Thank god Miku and Kaito aren't around, I don't want them to see it. We both lean in for a kiss.

It's one kiss, but it felt like forever, I don't want to break it. Once we broke the kiss, SEKAI's colors are all restored. 

Miku and Kaito walked up to us, surprised to see Rui. After some conversations, we returned to the real world to tell everyone else the good news. 


Sora's notes

man, i hate decaf

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