Chapter 3 - SEKAI?

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Tsukasa, Emu, Nene, Miku, Kaito

We found Miku and Kaito, but they look less cheery than usual, their usual colourful getups are also slightly faded.

"You're here..."

Her voice is different, the tone is depressing, as if she saw everything. That happened that day.

"If you want to save the stage, the best way is for one of you to take Rui's place. People sharing a SEKAI together not only means they pursue the same goal, it also means they work the best with each other, better than anyone else."

Miku's words were unexpected, she knew what happened? The words floats around my head, before I knew it, I said it

"I'll take his place."

"Tsukasa, don't be an idiot, controlling drones without fail takes a lot of practice. You would have to put in a lot of effort just to perfect one show, plus you're our head actor in all the shows, this isn't going to work. I understand them, I've been around Rui for longer than the both of you, I understand those machines."

"Nene, you make a good point, but I was the one who had him caught up in all this, it's my fault he wasn't able to be with us. It only makes sense if I take this role."

"But Tsukasa-"

"I understand what you're trying to say, but I'm the cause of all this mess, and for that, I'll make up to it."

"You both have a point, maybe both of you can take on his tasks, afterall, you'll be overworking yourself taking on Rui's full task while taking care of your own. Nene knows more about the machines while Tsukasa wants to make up for his mistakes. Maybe sharing this task fulfils both of your wishes."

"Is that so... Thank you Kaito."

That's right! Teamwork can make a dream work! This is what we needed.

We thanked Kaito and Miku and left SEKAI.


Sora's notes

next part will come a bit slow, I'm busy with school and life rn

also i'm doing this  in my spare times so yeah

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