Chapter 12 - The return of the alchemist

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Tsukasa, Rui

Mizuki had better plans, and the show has been prepared. It was an old show me and Rui did, but Mizuki had modified it a little, adding an interesting speech at the start. Mafuyu edited it a bit correcting the grammatical mistakes and made sure it catches attention.

At 6pm, the show is up.

I took a deep breath, and stepped on the stage.

"If you were around a few years ago, you may remember Mr alchemist who was loved by many, had mysterious disappeared without a trace. Thanks to our awesome friends, we have found him once again."

Rui steps on to the stage, smiling, the crowd begins to cheer.

"As one of the most popular member of this group, I apologize for suddenly disappearing. A failed experiment has taken me to an unknown dimension. This shall be compensated... With a show."

The show was a success, everything did not go as expected... In a good way.

Unlike the last time we did this show, Mizuki was controlling the drones as we went on, so it was better than ever.

After the show, Rui was being crowded by old and new fans alike, everyone loved the show.

After this is over, Rui and I went to Rui's place. He led me to his room, and grabbed my waist again, and kissed me.

After we broke the kiss, he giggled (Nothing happened in the old version, don't ask)

"Fufu, we shall be together... Forever."

After we had dinner, I went home, flustered.

Tsukasa, Saki

When I got back home I was greeted by Saki.

"Onii-chan, your face is red, are you okay? Any sign of discomfort?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

I had a great night rest, knowing tomorrow I'll be going on a date with Rui.


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