Five Minutes Late

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Once I opened the door Jermaine and I made immediate eye contact. We glared at each other for a moment. He looked me up and down with a frowned look on his face.

"Yo Janet why is this boy in your room" he said waving his arms.

He tried peeking his head in the room but I pushed him. He fell back almost loosing his balance.

Janet's friend Gil from the club finally called for security once he saw Jermaine in the hallway.

"What the hell are you... Chris" Gil was talking to Jermaine at first but stopped when he saw me.

"So this kids been spending time with Janet" Jermaine asked.

"Chris what are you doing here? Is Janet in her room?"

"Yes she is I just saw her a minute ago"

"SECURITY" Gil yelled on the top of his lungs.

"Chris are the security coming" I heard Janet's soft voice over my shoulder.

"Yes they're on their way" I whispered to her.

"Janet I just wanted to say hi that's all." Jermaine said standing on his tippy toes trying to peek in the room.
But I stood in the doorway blocking his view.

Finally security showed up and grabbed Jermaine.
"Get him outta here" Gil demanded.

Jermaine gave us the finger before dropping a card than leaving. Gil looked at me before picking up the card.

"Maybe it's for Janet. Hey Janet Mr.Dupri is gone. And I'm coming in" he said squeezing past me.

Janet was sitting in her chair looking in the mirror.
"Is he gone Chris?"

"Yes he's gone"

She looked at me through the mirror before jumping out of her seat. She ran right past Gil and into my arms.

"Thank you for being here! If you weren't here I would be alone with him. No Gil no security. Thank you!"

She squeezed me and held me as Gil crossed his arms watching us.

"I did something I'm here too"

"You were five minutes late" she said hitting Gil.

"Better late then never" he chuckled.

I let out a laugh before Janet gave me the death stare.
"What? Look Jermaine left this, open it" I said handing her the card.

She opened it then handed it to Gil.
"Please read this"

Gil took the card as Janet sat down.

"It says Dear Janet, I'm sorry I was a bad boyfriend. I was unappreciative of you and I regret it. I feel terrible everyday I think of you. Everything reminds me of your smile. And I would do anything to get another chance to love you right this one. But I understand if you think I don't deserve another chance. You deserve the best, I'm rooting for you. Love Jermaine"

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