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I was getting tipsy, I needed to take a break from drinking so I sat down. "What are you looking for Dunk" Gil asked me. "Chris"

"He's over there with Selina" he pointed across the room

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"He's over there with Selina" he pointed across the room. "That slut!" Selina was one of my dancers. She's always sleeping with the guys I'm interested in, before I get a chance.

"Oouuu I think Damita is Jealous"
"I am not"
"Yes you are"
"Am not"
"Yes you are"
"Am not"
"Yessss Girl Get over there and get your man. You been wanting him since you bought him that bottle. And he ain't drunk, I mean drink it yet. He too busy trying to get in Selina pants."

"Didn't she get crabs on my last tour?"
"She did what about it, she ain't got it no more" Gil was drunk he could barley stand still.

"I gotta save Chris she probably got something"
"Janet you so messy" Gil laughed as I snuck over to Chris's section.

"Are you on the list" his bouncer was serious.
"Let her in" one of Chris's friends said.
"Whatever you say" "Thank you" I said walking past the bouncer.

As I was walking to Chris his friend stopped me. "Wait Ms. Jackson can I get a dance for letting you in. I ain't have to do that" he said with his arms open for my embrace.

"Chris would've eventually let me in" I said rolling my eyes walking around him.

"BITCH"  he screamed.
"HEY BRYAN GET THE FUCK OUT. YO BOUNCER GET THIS FOOL OUTTA HERE" Chris yelled saving me. He sat back down next to Selina, she started whispering in his ear and laughed.

"Chris your friends are assholes" I said

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"Chris your friends are assholes" I said.

"No just that one, and he's not my friend no more. I don't like how he disrespected you."

Selina was rubbing his back "Hey Janet"
"Selina" I said giving her a fake smile.
"When was the last time you had crabs, I'm more of a lobster girl" I said as she glared at me.

"What Janet that was so random" he said laughing.
"Chris can I talk to you in private" "Sure"
He got up and followed me somewhere more quite.

"I know Selina, she's one of my dancers. I'm just warning you. She has crabs." He laughed but I wasn't.

"Are you serious" "YES"
"Okay thanks for looking out"

I went back to my section and Chris went back to Selina. Five minutes later Selina came back to my section.

"Janet what did you tell him!" "Selina your fired" her jaw dropped.
"Me and Gil will replace you" she looked at Gil.
He mouthed *Sorry*

"And I want you out of my section, don't make me call security."

She yelled frustrated then left. "Damn Girl all that for Chris. You better get that Dick after all of that" Gil said sipping his drink with a straw.

"Shut up Gil" I said laughing.
"Ouuuu Gil this is my song!"

I got up and danced to the music. "Girl he's watching" Gil whispered. "Who?"
"Chris, don't look just dance sexy okay"

I took his advice and put my left hand in my hair. I started grinding my waist and I put my right hand on my right hip.

"Ouu Girl he's bitting his lip" Gil said staring at Chris.
"Stop looking before he sees you fool" I laughed.

"Girl he's coming I gotta go"

I felt a hand on my left hip. "Can I dance too" I felt Chris's breath on my neck it sent shivers down my spine. It made my back arch.

"Yes" he kissed my neck as we danced to the song. My body was still arched as he sent shivers through my body.

"Not here" I said as he continued to kiss me.
"My place?"
"Perfect" I could hear him smiling.

I took his hand as we walked out. I gave Gil one look and he knew what was going down. He just shook his head smiling.

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