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a month later, june.

"do you wanna go to the lake? i'm pretty sure max, el, richie and eddie are there. probably some of the others too." stanley asked.

"do you huh-have a thing for swuh-swimming or seeing me shirtless?" bill laughed.

"definitely seeing you shirtless." stanley smiled. bill laughed. stanley watched as his boyfriend brushed through his soft blonde hair. bill realised he was staring and went a beat red. he hid his face with his hoodie sleeve.

"you're stuh-staring." he muffled under the hoodie sleeve.

"you're cute," stan replied. "no need to hide your cute face." stan stood up and moved bill's arm from his face. stan cupped bill's face with one hand and rubbed his thumb over his cheek. then, he went over to his bed and sat down again, leaving bill stunned.

"hey!" bill sarcastically yelled.

"what?" stan smirked.

"you tuh-teased me! that's so nuh-no-not cool." he snarled.

"we need to get to the lake, come on!" stan grabbed bill's hand and walke out the door.


"what was that?"

"nuh-nothing." stan had came very dominant over the past few weeks. it wasn't dominant as in toxic, or overly over protective, it was still a healthy and balanced relationship. bill loved stan being dominant though, and stan loved bill's reactions.

when they got to the lake, they saw max, el, richie, eddie, will and mike wheeler. "hey homos!" richie yelled. him and eddie were having a splash fight. max and el stayed near the dock, still in the water though. they were just talking and laughing with drinks in their hands. will and mike were doing the same as max and el, on the other side of the dock.

stan started taking his shirt off, chucking it over to where their friends shirts were. bill stared, stunned. stan walked over to bill, taking bill's shirt off for him.

"arms up." he said.

"i'm not fuh-five." bill rolled his eyes, but put his arms up. stan took bill's shirt off, also chucking it to where is was. he ran his cold fingertips up bill's sides. bill's breath hitched, until he bolted and jumped into the water.

"hey! asshole!" stan yelled. he jumped in after bill.

"eddie! huh-hide me!" bill laughed. eddie let bill jump on his back and richie let stan jump on his back. el, max, mike and will watched and laughed.

they tried to push eachother in the water, stan failing miserably. bill jumped off of eddie and high fived him. they celebrated until arms wrapped around both of their waists.

"no, NO-" they said in unison. eddie and bill both got pulled in the water by their boyfriends. which resulted in stan and richie high fiving. eddie and bill popped up.

bill swam over to stan. "you're gonna puh-pay for that." he said.

"oh, am i now?" stan answered, placing his hands on bill's hips. bill nodded. stan smirked and swam away. as he was swimming away, max came over to bill.

"hey bill!"

"huh-hi max."

"what's up?

"i fuh-feel like stan is pluh-pla-planning something."

"come have a drink with me and el." she said. max grabbed bill's hand and dragged him in the water to where el was. since the bar was right at the shore just beside them, max ordered another drink for bill.

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