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this book is coming to an end soon :(

which strikes the idea of what kind book do you want next? and what ships would ya'll like?

will came out of the bathroom from brushing his teeth and showering. him and mike haven't talked ever since that night. will sighed and started drying his hair.

"will, can i ask you something?" mike said.

"what's up?" will answered.

"uhm- what would you do if someone asked you out today?"

"if it's someone i like, then freak the fuck out."

"okay, well," mike walked up to will, placing his hands on will's hips. "will you be my boyfriend? again." mike smiled.

will grinned. "yes!" he shrieked, hugging mike and then kissing him.


"i want to go shopping with you like we did that summer." el smiled, admiring her girlfriend as she done her makeup.

"el, we're in the middle of nowhere, how do you excpect us to go shopping?" max laughed.

"i don't know! after summer camp?" el pleaded.

"of course we can."


bill was cuddled up to stanley as the watched movies, since camp was ending soon and it was raining outside they tried to make it as special as possible. stan barely watched the movie, he just admired his boyfriend.

"what?" bill said.

"nothing. you're just pretty." stan pecked him on the lips and bill grinned.


"robin! do you have my hair brush?" vickie shrieked.

"i think so! here." she handed vickie the hairbrush and kissed her on the cheek. vickie smiled and thanked her girlfriend.


"eddie fucking munson you're not tattooing me when we get back." steve sarcastically yelled.

"come on harrington! it will be fun! it doesn't hurt." eddie replied.

"it only doesn't hurt for you because you've had multiple tattoos before." steve added.

"i promise it doesn't hurt. it will only be a small star on your wrist!"

"fine!" steve smiled.


"richie tozier if you do not give me that back right now i will fuck you up!" eddie chased richie around the cabin, trying to get his book back.

"yeah right, you wouldn't hurt a fly!" richie stopped in his tracks and gave eddie the book, kissing him on his forehead.

"i love you eds."

"i love you too, rich."

"i also love your mo-"

"do NOT."

short chapter with all the couples because i'm trying to figure out how i want the epilogue to go! i definitely want one couple to get married but i'm sure we all know it's probably either going to be reddie or stenbrough.

i hate how they're literally putting byler and lumax endgame on this board as we speak

i hate how they're literally putting byler and lumax endgame on this board as we speak

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