I'm so tired of missing you,
I'm tired of never seeing you,
And always hoping that that will change,
Even though deep down I know it won't,
I'm tired of crying over it,
Wishing you could hold me and comfort me just once,
And knowing that no matter how much I want it, you can't,
I crave you more than I crave the oxygen I breathe,
And more than the water I drink or the food I eat,
I crave you more than the vape in my hand or the alcohol in my cup,
Or the blade I keep hidden in my draws,
Waiting to be used on another day that I wish I were dead,
And yet I still miss you,
When there's no more alcohol,
And the vapes flashing blue,
And the cuts leave my skin stained red with my own blood,
And the tears can fall as much as they like but I can never cry away the feeling,
And I'm tired,
I miss you,
But I'm tired of missing you.
love borderline obsession
Şiirpoems that describe how it feels to be so in love it's almost terrifying, so in love it is more than just love, it's an obsession.