Chapter 83

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With Kate and Pacia, Lu Heng and the others became eight people.

On the way back, when they reached the fork in the road to the Forest Police Office, Jiang Li said that he would go to the Police Office to borrow a pot and leave someone to go with him.

"Pot?" Kate didn't know why, "What are you doing with that thing?"

"To make dinner." Qiao Yu said, although he didn't know how Jiang Li's craftsmanship was, he felt a little small when he thought of having a picnic outside. Excited.

"... Kate's expression of disapproval. "Are you all bored? Don't have star coins to buy nutrient solution? I give you. "

"What do you know?" It's fun. "Ling Ao gave him a contemptuous look. Are they lacking star coins? What they lack is entertainment. In the

end, Lu Heng and Jiang left the police station to borrow a pot, and the others went to the place where the ingredients were piled up just now and used the dinner. It 's

rare to be alone with Jiang Li, so Lu Heng naturally won't let go of the opportunity to develop a good impression. He talked endlessly along the way, Jiang Li either responded occasionally or didn't bother to pay attention to him, the two of them were just like that I chatted with the police department one after another.

The officers in charge of the police department today happened to be the soldiers that Jiang Li had brought before. As soon as they explained their intentions, they asked people to pack everything and bring them to the police. They even provided the tools needed to move the stove, cutting board, etc., and sent someone to drive them back. When they

arrived at the camp, Jiang Li got out of the car and found that everyone was back.

Joel was discussing with the students From the actual combat experience today, I saw him getting out of the car and came over: "Major, I heard Qiao Yu and the others say that you are going to make dinner for them, what's the situation? "

"Improve the food." "Jiang Li said.

Although the canteen in District D is big enough and has enough dishes, the taste is quite different from the food in the first two worlds. As for the nutrient solution, although there are many flavors, it is not as good as Food comes easily in the stomach, so Jiang Li's phrase "improving food" really means improving food.

"Improve the food?" Joel became interested, "Major, I never knew you could do this before."

When Jiang Li took them out on a mission in the past, everyone lived on nutrient solution, how could they do it by hand? After the meal experience, I was looking forward to and curious about the improvement of the meal that he said in my heart.

"Occasionally make some when I'm at home." Jiang Li explained briefly, ordering everyone to move out the pots and ingredients in the car, and then start preparing dinner.

There are a total of 21 students in District D. Jiang Li gave an order. Some were responsible for lighting the fire, some for washing vegetables, and some for cutting vegetables. Among them, Lu Heng and Qiao Yu were the most active. The former wanted to help Jiang Li. , the latter wants to eat quickly.

However, due to the reason that they both grew up pampered, most of the ingredients were prepared in a terrible way, such as wild vegetables. After Qiao Yu washed the vegetables, there were no leaves, leaving only the bare vegetable poles, and Lu Heng killed the pheasants. At that time, because he would not wipe the throat and let blood, he directly chopped off the chicken head, and left it aside to wait for the blood to dry.

With everyone's division of labor and cooperation, the ingredients were quickly prepared.

Jiang Li took out a herbivorous snake whose head had been cut off by Lu Heng, and placed it on a clean chopping board. He held a military dagger in his right hand, and the tip of the knife pierced the position of the snake's gallbladder. Picked it out, and then swiped the tip of the knife back from the neck, and the whole snake was directly gutted by him.

His movements are fast, ruthless, accurate, and extremely skillful. The knife marks on the snake's body are neat and tidy like a straight line measured by a ruler. People who don't know it think he is the chef from the cafeteria.

"Take it and wash it." Jiang Li threw the snake to Lu Heng next to him without raising his head, and then pulled out a second one. With the same action, the snake was gutted in less than a minute.

The people present watched and swallowed, always feeling that he was cutting his own neck.

At the beginning, everyone was skeptical of Jiang Li's cooking skills, thinking about saving face for the instructor, just eat a little bit, but if you're hungry at night, you can eat some dry food or nutrient solution.

However, when Jiang Li started cooking, the smell of oil and meat suddenly burst out from the frying pan and grabbed their sense of smell!

Because it is outside, the ingredients, condiments, and tools are limited. Most of Jiangli's dishes are stir-fried, which is convenient, fast and easy to eat. In addition, he also stewed herbivorous snakes and pheasants. A big pot of soup, commonly known as "Dragon Tiger Fight".

After a meal, everyone ran out of the soup base, and they still remembered that they planned to drink the nutrient solution at night.

After eating and drinking, everyone gathered around the fire to chat and digest.

Maybe it was because of the dinner made by the instructor, or because the atmosphere of everyone sitting on the floor was too warm. Everyone was not as alienated and distant from Jiang Li as before, and he even joked about him occasionally during the chat. After going back and forth, someone else asked about him and Joel when they were on Planet Will.

The accident on the planet Will caused Jiang Li to change from a Beta to an Omega, and his identity also changed from a major with a promising future in the military to a freshman instructor of the military academy.

For that matter, that trip wasn't a pleasant experience.

When a certain student talked about this topic, the atmosphere suddenly cooled down. Everyone looked at Jiang Li, who was picking firewood with tree skills, and found that his hand paused slightly. Seeing this, Lu Heng's face sank, and he looked at the person who asked

the question: "You ate so much just now, why didn't you stop your mouth?"

Jiang Li apologized.

Jiang Li smiled and said indifferently: "Actually, there is nothing that can't be said. Most of them are similar to the rumors. I am an Omega. After the accident, your associate teacher Joel sent me back."

"Yes . Yes!"

Joel took his words and said solemnly: "But things are not as simple as the rumors sound. If the major hadn't decided to hurt himself and stay awake, we would all be in danger."

In the quiet night, the night wind blew gently, and there was a rustling sound among the leaves.

The young officer told his students about the critical process at that time, and everyone listened carefully. Their expressions gradually changed from curiosity and indifference to solemnity, as if they had seen the life-threatening scene at that time.

Cutting the gland is a very dangerous thing, and it is easy to get into trouble without any preparation, but Jiang Li did not hesitate at that time, he chose the most dangerous way to save himself and his comrades in arms.

Such a person should be respected and admired, not despised because his status has changed.

Everyone can't help but feel ashamed for what they thought in the first place.

Jiang Li poked the potatoes buried under the charcoal fire with a stick to see if they were cooked.

Beside him, Lu Heng listened to Joel's statement while paying attention to Jiang Li. The corner of his eyes fell on his side face, and he saw the warm firelight print on his cheek, softening him slightly. The cool and thin corners of the lips made the whole person feel a little more gentle than usual.

The instructor is so nice. Lu Heng thought to himself.

After Joel finished speaking, Jiang Li's roasted potatoes were also cooked. He peeled them and was about to eat them. When he looked up, he saw everyone looking at him with burning eyes, and he couldn't help frowning: "There are still some in the fire. Two, you want to eat and dig yourself."

Everyone: "..." Instructor, you really don't understand style at all.

Paxiya is usually warm and a little shy, but she suddenly summoned up her courage, looked at Jiang Li seriously and said, "Instructor, you are a great soldier, I am proud to be your student.

"Instructor, so am I!" "

Instructor, I was offended in the past, don't take it to heart!"

"Instructor, I was wrong!"

Kate pouted and said nothing with a sullen face.

For Jiang Li, these honors and respects belong to the original body. He is not qualified to accept them, nor can he tell these young students that the great soldier they call has left everyone, so he can only sigh in his heart. With a sigh, he changed the topic: "Okay, don't be hypocritical, no matter how much you say, I will not be polite to you, and there will be no less training."

Everyone: "..." Bah!

After a short episode, everyone talked to other places again, chatting about messy gossip, and finally even the love story between General XX and his wife before the military department, and pestered Joel to listen to it.

Joel was soft-hearted, and after being ground by them, he started talking.

It is said that the general and his wife are both very powerful characters. They were also students of the military academy at the time. The two graduated from the military academy at the same time and entered the military service at the same time. During their service, the two have always been partners, and they have been together every time they go out on a mission.

It's not surprising that two excellent people are partners, but what makes everyone talk about is that they are both Alphas!

"Both of them are Alphas? How can two Alphas be together?"

"Didn't the associate teacher just say that? A love for a long time!"

"It may also be a love for a long time?"

"..." A

love for a long time, a love for a long time .

Same sound, different meaning. Jiang Li was really convinced by the brain hole of these little bastards. He threw the branch in his hand into the fire, and when he turned his head, he saw Lu Heng looking at him quietly, with some obvious emotion in his eyes.

Jiang Li has gone through two lives, and seeing such a look in his eyes doesn't mean he doesn't understand. Sure enough, he heard four words softly in the next second.

- Love for a long time.

Jiang Li smiled: "Dreaming."

Lu Heng: "..."

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