Chapter 133

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Two days later, Xiao Qiheng and his party escorted the disaster relief Yinliang all the way northward to Jizhou. In addition to the guards, Jiang Li, Zhao Qing, and Zheng Yu were with him.

The team left the capital, and after walking for a long time, they reached a desolate forest.

Zheng Yu stopped his horse, looked around, and said loudly, "There is still a long way to go to the next station, everyone, let's rest for a while."


Everyone rested in place, and the guards A circle was formed around the carriages that transported the disaster relief silver taels to prevent surprises.

Jiang Li and Xiao Qiheng were in a carriage. Jiang Li heard Zheng Yu's words and said to Xiao Qiheng, "Your Highness, go out and do some exercise."

Xiao Qiheng nodded, and the two got off the carriage. Jiang Li unscrewed the kettle and handed it to him. Xiao Qiheng: "Your Highness, drink some water to moisten your throat."

Xiao Qiheng took two sips of water and handed the kettle to Jiang Li. Jiang Li took it and screwed the lid on, and was about to put it back in the car when he heard something broken. With the sound of wind, when he turned around, he saw an arrow coming straight towards Xiao Qiheng!

"Be careful, Your Highness!"

Jiang Li pushed Xiao Qiheng away, dodging the arrow, the sharp sword at his waist was instantly unsheathed, a silver light flashed, and the second arrow that followed was cut off by him!

"There are assassins! Protect His Highness! Protect Guan Yin!" The officers and soldiers drew their swords and shouted loudly!

Lin Zi, where there was only the sound of "shasha", suddenly flew down a group of men in black from all directions. They were divided into two groups, one group went straight to Xiao Qiheng, and the other group was aimed at the official silver of the disaster relief.

Jiang Li has been waiting for them for a long time. Looking at the person rushing over, he did not retreat and counterattacked. He faced him directly. He flipped his sword-wielding wrist and slashed the arm of the man in black who was closest to him!

Xiao Qiheng: "..."

Jiang Li has been practicing martial arts all these years. Xiao Qiheng knows that his martial arts are very good, but this simple and rude fighting style is unexpected.

In Xiao Qiheng's perception, Jiang Li is always by his side, and he has never had the chance to compete with others. His actual combat experience should be unfamiliar, but now he fights with people with neat tricks and sharp edges. Wherever you go, you must see blood, and it is clearly the appearance of experienced battles!

However, Xiao Qiheng didn't think much about the current situation, and even thought it was very good, so Jiang Li was able to protect himself, so he pulled out the sword around his waist and joined the melee.

Zhao Qing and Zheng Yu on the other side also fought with the black clothes with knives, forcing them to one side.

The officers and soldiers accompanying this trip were chosen by Zheng Yu, and many of them were his cronies brought back from Xiyang Pass. They have been on the battlefield for many years, all of them are experienced and battle-hardened, and they will be resolved in a short time. most of the enemies.

"Stay alive!" Xiao Qiheng restrained one of the men in black with one hand, preventing the other party from committing suicide, and said to the others at the same time.

There were twenty men in black, and in the end there were only two survivors. Jiang Li grabbed one of them by the chin, and said sternly, "Say, who sent you here!

" Cooperate.

Zhao Qing stepped forward: "Let me do it."

"No, no, I'm good at this." Jiang Li waved his hand and put his long sword aside.

Others saw that he suddenly took out a small dagger from his arms, and when the blade was picked, it lifted half of the belt of the man in black, and he was about to take off his pants.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiheng on the side said with a dark face: "Jiang Li, what are you doing?"

Jiang Li stopped what he was doing and said innocently: "Since he doesn't want to talk, then I think about him keeping this shit. It's useless, let's castrate." With a

flick of his wrist, the dagger cut through the man in black's pants, and the tip of the dagger was stained with blood.

Xiao Qiheng: "..."

Zhao Qing: "..."

Zheng Yu: "..."

Officers and soldiers: "..."

Everyone doesn't understand, and don't want to say what has it to do with cutting the thing below? Shouldn't the tongue be cut off? Is the lifeblood so terrifying? !

Jiang Li's movements were well controlled. The dagger was only enough to cut through the skin of the man in black at a certain position between the legs, but that position was too sensitive, and the sharp sting seemed to be magnified several times. The person's eyes were round and round, and the sound of "woo woo" came out of his mouth!

Man in Black: Stop, I don't want to be a eunuch! !

"I know you're not afraid of death." Jiang Li smiled at the man in black, and patted his face with a dagger, "It won't let you die so easily."

The man in black: "Woooooo!!" I fear you! !

"Don't get excited, I'm here too." Jiang Li gestured twice with the dagger between the crotch of the man in black, as if looking for where the next knife should go, "Just now it was just an appetizer, now I will definitely let it go. You cut it all at once."

Others: "..."

"It's just that after the cut, you need to lie on the bed for ten days and a half months, waiting for your wound to heal, it will be a painful process..."

Jiang Li said, his eyes froze, he suddenly raised his hand and slashed down the other's crotch somewhere, the silver dagger flashed a light on the face of the man in black, the man in black's eyes were red. The whole person trembled like nervousness! Jiang Li desperately made a "woo woo woo" sound from his mouth stuck with one hand.


Several birds flew past, spreading their wings and flying into the sky.

The scene in the forest was a bit weird, there was an unpleasant smell in the air, Xiao Qiheng frowned, and looked at the man in black opposite him with disgust.

The man in black shivered like a sieve, and the wet fabric between his crotch indicated that he was scared to urinate by Jiang Li.

Zhao Qing and Zheng Yu looked at each other, they both felt a little pain in their crotch, their eyes fell on Jiang Li, and they felt like they knew him for the first time.

At this time, Jiang Li didn't look like the young man who smiled and smiled at Yan Yan, he was clearly a little devil.

"Hey, the hand slip didn't cut it." Jiang Li said regretfully, playing with the dagger in his hand, and asked lightly, "Are you willing to talk now?"

The man in black kept nodding, Jiang Li relaxed slightly. With a little effort, he could make a sound, but he couldn't bite his tongue to commit suicide.

"... yes... six... six princes!"

The man in black said intermittently, his lifeblood was almost cut off, and the fear of being cut off made him tremble. For a normal man, what could be more terrifying than being castrated of?

Jiang Li got a satisfactory answer, smiled slightly, and the hand holding the opponent's chin suddenly exerted force, only hearing a "click", he removed the opponent's chin, and then said to the two officers and soldiers holding the opponent: "The next I'll leave it to you." The

two officers and soldiers looked at each other and said silently, "...Yes."

Jiang Li threw the dagger to an officer and soldier beside him and asked the other officer to clean it up for him, then clapped his hands in Xiao Qiheng's direction After walking, just two steps away, they saw Xiao Qiheng and the others were looking at him, their expressions were indescribable.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Li patted himself on the body, walked over and asked, "Why are you looking at me like this? Is there something wrong with me?" The

three thought, it's so wrong! !


Xiao Qiheng was the first to speak, picked up the kettle that had fallen to the side during the fight, unscrewed the lid, pulled Jiang Li with one hand, poured water for him to wash his hands: "dirty."

He poured water in one hand, Holding Jiang Li's hand with one hand, he washed the palm of his hand with his thumb, his brow furrowed tightly, obviously because he didn't like the act of cutting into the man in black just now, and felt his hands were dirty.

"I didn't touch my hand." Jiang Li smiled.

Xiao Qiheng said nothing and washed his hands carefully.

The behavior of the two at this time was too close. Jiang Li felt two hot gazes sticking to him, and reminded him in a low voice: "His Royal Highness, there are still people watching."

Xiao Qiheng heard the words and looked up at the person behind him. Zheng Yu and Zhao Qing glanced at each other with oppression and coldness in their eyes.

Zheng Yu and Zhao Qing felt a chill in their necks, and subconsciously looked away, pretending that they didn't see anything.

When Xiao Qiheng and Jiang Li got into the carriage, Zheng Yu and Zhao Qing looked at each other. Zheng Yu touched his nose, lowered his voice and said, "What, you usually serve by your Highness, have you noticed anything wrong with him?

" It's Jiang Li, I can only stay outside."

Zheng Yu: "...Oh." It seems that something is really wrong.

"How long will you be dawdling?" Xiao Qiheng's voice came from the carriage.

"Let's go now!" Zheng Yu responded and arranged for the two men in black to be escorted back to Beijing, and then asked everyone to get dressed and set off to continue to the next station.

The next day, news of Xiao Qiheng's assassination on his way to Jizhou for disaster relief came back to the palace. Emperor Yuan learned that the incident was related to Xiao Qiyun, and Thunder was furious, and immediately ordered someone to summon Xiao Qiyun.

Xiao Qiyun was drinking a small wine in the palace and listening to a small song, imagining that Xiao Qiheng would die this time. After this corruption scandal, he will still be the prince who covers the sky with one hand. When Emperor Yuan is old, he will be able to inherit the throne.

He was drunk, and dreamed of sweet dreams during the day. When he was brought to Emperor Yuan, he couldn't react. It was not until the two men in black were thrown in front of him that he found out that the matter was exposed, and he lay down in front of Emperor Yuan and shouted his grievance.

Emperor Yuan smashed the inkstone in his hand to his feet, making a loud "dong--", and his fingers were shaking: "You still have the face to complain?! Everyone is in front of me, you still What do you have to say!!"

"It's not me!!" Xiao Qiyun crawled up to him with hands and feet, "Father, the seventeenth brother, the one he sent, has nothing to do with me!! If you don't believe me, you asked him to confront him face to face!"

"Little Seventeen? Emperor Yuan frowned, knowing that he had been quite close to Xiao Qiwen over the years, so he said to Eunuch Chen, "Call Seventeen over.


Soon, Xiao Qiwen came over. Seeing the situation in the hall, he was stunned for a moment. After saluting the Yuan Emperor, he asked inexplicably: "Father, what are your orders for your son to come here?"

"Seventeen! Don't pretend to be anything. You don't even know, you said, is it you who sent someone to assassinate the prince's brother?!" Xiao Qiyun asked sharply.

"The prince and the emperor's brother was assassinated?" Xiao Qiwen looked shocked, took two steps forward, and asked anxiously, "Where's the emperor's brother? He wasn't injured, right? Who is so bold!!"

Emperor Yuan looked at him with a worried look on his face, Unlike cheating, he frowned and asked, "Seventeen, you really don't know about

this?" "Why did the royal father say this?" Xiao Qiwen looked puzzled and said sincerely, "Recently, apart from talking to the father and mother, In addition to the concubine's peace, I have been discussing scriptures with him at the national teacher's side, and I have no idea what happened."

"You are talking nonsense!" Xiao Qiyun said angrily, if Emperor Yuan was not there, he would have to tear up Xiao Qiwen. Hypocritical bastard, "You went to my palace a few days ago!" "You're

wronged." Xiao Qiwen said, "The Sixth Emperor said that his younger brother has been to your place, so when and when?"

"May 2 On the eleventh, it's not time! The people in my palace can testify!"

Xiao Qiwen heard the words, and Chao Yuan Emperor handed over his hands: "Father, Brother Sixth Emperor, this is purely a false accusation, my son has been in the National Teacher's Hall for the past few days, if you don't believe it , the national teacher can testify on behalf of the son."

Compared with his two sons, Emperor Yuan obviously believed in Sheng Hexuan more, so he asked Eunuch Chen to go to the National Teacher's Hall in person, invited Sheng Hexuan over, and sent another person to Xiao Qiyun's palace forensics.

After Sheng Hexuan came over, he confirmed what Xiao Qiwen said, and he was indeed in the National Teacher Hall these few days.

At this time, the people who were on duty in Xiao Qiyun's palace that day were also brought to Emperor Yuan, and they all said that they did not see Xiao Qiwen visiting that day.

With the solid evidence, Emperor Yuan ignored Xiao Qiyun's grievances and ordered someone to take him down and wait for his fate.

As for Xiao Qiheng's side, apart from eating, drinking and resting on a daily basis, the group didn't delay for a while, they hurried along the way, and finally arrived in Jizhou after half a month.

Zhu Wentao, the prefect of Jizhou, led people to wait at the city gate early in the morning. When he saw their group, he hurriedly stepped forward and saluted them, welcoming them back to the prefect's yamen all the way.

Xiao Qiheng and Jiang Li were together along the way. It would be when Xiao Qiheng was surrounded by Zhu Wentao and others. Zheng Yu finally couldn't bear the questions he had been holding all the way. He pulled Jiang Li and asked, "I want to ask you something."

"What?" Jiang Li looked at him with a mysterious look on his face.

"Your Highness..." Zheng Yu coughed, "Your Highness, is there something unspeakable?"

Jiang Li was inexplicable: "What's unspeakable?"

"That is, it is..." Zheng Yu couldn't say anything, and simply pulled his With his hands, he learned how Xiao Qiheng washed Jiang Li's hands before, and rubbed it back and forth a few times, "That's it!"

Jiang Li: "Ah?"

Zheng Yu saw that he still didn't understand, and touched it twice: "Do you understand? ?"

"Understood." Jiang Li nodded.

"Is it true?" Zheng Yu asked quickly.

"Well..." Jiang Li hesitated before speaking, showing embarrassment.

Zheng Yu was terrified by him, and urged, "You tell me quickly!"

Jiang Li sighed and pointed to his back: "You can ask yourself."

Zheng Yu turned around and saw Xiao Qiheng standing behind him for some time, staring at him holding Jiang Li's hand coldly, and he didn't know how long he had been standing.

Zheng Yu realized it later, and turned to look at Jiang Li, who gave him a cute smile and pulled his hand back.

Xiao Qiheng looked at Zheng Yu, and said with a sullen face: "What are you doing?"

Zheng Yu: "..."

No, brother, listen to me, this is really a misunderstanding, the baby you raised is a genius! ! !

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