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LONDON, 1962

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LONDON, 1962

Leah was sitting in the drawing room in her and Klaus mansion.  Her and Klaus had now been together for 20 years.  His brother Elijah lives with them. 

She really loves him but one thing she doesn't like is how he keeps killing and keeps daggering his siblings.   She just hopes one day he will change. 

She was reading when the door to the drawing room opens and she sees Elijah coming in. 

She stands up and looks at him confused.  She can see he has a look of disappointment on this face.

"Is something the matter Elijah?"  She walks closer to him. 

Elijah sighes "I'm sorry.  I know you don't wanna hear this but you deserve to know."

She looks at him worried "What is it?" Elijah takes a deep breeath. 

"Niklaus has killed again."   She sits down again and just sighes. 

She feels the tears coming.  He sits next to her. 

"Leah, are you alright?" He aks her. 

She sighes "I can't do this anymore Elijah"

She takes a deep breath but is crying.

"I love him so much but i can't keep watching as he kills more people or daggers you.  I can't.  I have tried so hard to help him change but i don't see it happening.  I'm done."

Elijah nods "I know but you also know that Niklaus does not like when people he loves leaves him.  I'm scared for you"

Leah takes Elijah's hands in her own "I know and that's why i need you to help me. I need to leave before Klaus gets home"

He thinks for a second but then nods "Okay. Niklaus will not be home for atleast 2 hours so go up and pack and meet me by the door in an hour, okay?"

Leah nods "Okay"  She stands up and walks out of the drawing room to her and Klaus's  room. 

50 minutes later she has packed everything.  She looks on Klaus's side of the bed. 

She leaves a note on his bedside table which just says That she loves him and she's sorry and hope one day he can forgive her.  

But before she leaves the room. She takes one of his daggers and puts it in her jack pocket. 

She walks downstairs and sees Elijah waiting for her. 

She takes a deep breath "Done! So where should i go" 

With that Elijah hands her a plane ticket. 

"This is a ticket to New york city.  I know you have an apartment there.  A friend of mine will be there waiting for you.  His name is Cyrus and he will be your guard because if i know my brother he will send men after you. 

Leah smiles and nods "Thank you Elijah, for everything. You're a true friend" 

Elijah smiles "For these last 20 years you have become family.  That's not stopping here.  We Mikaelsons protect our family." 

Leah smiles.  "Again, thank you.  I hope i will see you again"

Elijah smiles "And i you." 

Leah walks to the door but before she walks out, she turns around. 

"Goodbye Elijah"  She whispers. 

He smiles "Goodbye Leah"  He whispers back. 

She opens the door and walk out. 

She jumps into her car and drives off.  She just lets the tears fall. 

After 8 hours of flying, she finally arrives in New york City. 

It's good when you're a vampire, you can compel the staff to get your car on the plane. 

So she jumps in her car and drives to her apartment. 

Finally she arrives to her apartment and sees a man outside the entrance.  She assumes he's the guy Elijah sent.

He looks at her "Leah Salvatore?"

She nods "And you must be Cyrus?"

He smiles and nods "Cyrus Salvador. I'm here to keep you safe"

She smiles "Well.. Let's go inside and get to know eachother. 

Cyrus smiles and nods and they walk inside.  the start of a true  friendship. 


It's been 48 years since  Leah left Klaus. 

Many of his men has tried to take her back to him or kill her but without sucess. 

Leah knows if Cyrus wasn't here, she might be dead now. 

Leah is sitting on the sofa in the living room just reading the news on the computer when she gets a e-mail. 

She opens it and sees it's from her brother Damon.  He never e-mails her, ever. 

She reads it and it says that their younger brother Stefan has gone to his ripper ways and that she needs to come back to Mystic Falls.  It doesn't say how it happened, just that she needs to come home.

She sighes.  Cyrus is in the kitchen cooking. 

She walks to him "Cyrus?"   He looks at her and can see she's worried about something. 

He takes his hands off the frying pan.  He is concerned. 

"Are you okay?"  She sighes and shakes her head. 

"I just got an e-mail from my brother Damon.  My younger brother Stefan has gone back to his ripper ways.  I don't know how or why.  I just know i need to leave for Mystic falls, right now.  It's okay if you don't wanna come" 

Cyrus turns off the stove.  "No, no way. It's been you and me for the last 48 years.  There is no way i'm leaving you now.  Not only is it my job to protect you but you're my best friend Leah."

Leah sighes in relief and hugs Cyrus tightly.  "You're my best friend too"  She pulls away "We need to leave right away" 

Cyrus nods "Then let's pack quickly and be on their way" 

20 minutes later they have both packed and they go out to the car and drive off. 

All Leah can think about is that she has no idea what to expect. But she's coming back home. 

Ahhh the prologue is here!! I'm so exicted for this story.  I hope you guys like this and pls tell me your thoughts

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