Chapter 7

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Leah is with Stefan, Rebekah and Klaus in a clothing store.   Klaus has Leah next to him, holding her hand constantly, probably scared she might disappear.  

Rebekah walks out of the changing room in a black dress.  "So women in the 21st century  dress like prositutes, then?"  Klaus gives his sister a teasingly smile.  

"I got dirty looks for wearing trousers."  Rebekah answers.  "You wore trousers so women today could wear nothing."  Klaus answers back.  

"What is this music?  It sounds like a cable car accident."  Rebekah asks annoyed.   "It's dance music."  Stefan answers.   Rebekah looks at him stunned.  "People dance to this?"   Stefan nods.  

Klaus sighes.  "Are we done?"  Rebekah looks at her brother and starts walking closer to him.  "And why are you so grumpy?"  

"I needed one thing from you for my witch to find out why my hybrids are dying.   One thing, your necklace and you lost it."  He answers his sister.  

"I didn't lose it, it's just been missing for 90 years."   Rebekah answers.  She turns to Stefan.  "So, what do you think?" 

Stefan smiles.  "It's nice."   But Rebekah is not satisfied.   "What? I said i like it." Stefan answers.  She sighes.  "I can always tell you when you life, Stefan."  And Rebekah walks back into the changing room.  

Leah sighes and stands up.  "I'm gonna take some fresh air."  But before she can take a step, Klaus has vampire speed and now he stands infront of her.  

"Alone? I don't think so."  He answers.  She sighes.  "Klaus, i have been a vampire since 1864, i can take care of myself."   But Leah can see that he is not that convinced.  

But thankfully Stefan comes to her rescue.  "I will walk out with her.  She's my sister, i can protect her."     Klaus take one more look at them before nodding.  "Be careful and don't be long."  He kisses her hand and she nods before she walks out and Stefan behind her.  

But when they are outside, Leah sees someone she haven't seen in decades, Katherine.  She looks back at her brother and starts walking over the road towards the woman.  Stefan sighes and follows her.  

On the other side they see Katherine standing by a lamp-post.  Leah walk right towards her.  

Katherine smiles at them.  "My favorite salvatores."   Leah shakes her head.  "What hell are you doing here, Katherine."     Katherine looks at her.  "I didn't expect you to go back to him Leah."  

Leah looks at her.  "You know i can go back and tell Klaus that you're here and you're good as dead."  Katherine gives a fake smile.  "Good to see you still care."  

"Tell me if i'm wrong.  Rebekah's necklace that Klaus's looking for that's the necklace you gave to Elena."   Katherine asks Stefan.   Leah looks at Stefan.  

Stefan will not answer.  "Bye, Katherine."   But Katherine stops him.  "Wait. You're up to something, tell me."   

Stefan sighes.  "They don't know where the necklace is, i have to keep them from figuring out."  

Leah looks at her brother.  "Stefan, we need to go."   Stefan gives Katherine a look before following Leah back.   

Before they're back in the store, Stefan stops her.  She looks at him confused.  

"You wouldn't tell Klaus about the necklace, would you."  Stefan asks her.  She looks at him stunned.   "I'm not here because i wanna be with Klaus.  I did this to save our brother and i would never tell him about Elena.  Because if he founds out about the necklace, he will know why his hybrids are failing and then Elena is good as dead and i might not have known her for a long time but she's a friend."  Leah answers.  

Leah starts to walking towards the store but turns back.  "I know you want to try to act like you don't care about her but i know you die."   With that she walks inside to the store, back to Klaus.  

They walk inside and Leah sees that Klaus and Rebekah have left.  She turns to Stefan "Where do you think have gone?"   He looks at her.  "The bar?"  Leah nods and they walk out.  

Leah and Stefan will do everything for Klaus to not find out about the necklace.  I hope you guys like this chapter and pls tell me your thoughts.  

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