Chapter 3

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Leah sitting outside smoking a cigarette,taking in everything that happened last night. 

Cyrus come outside and sits next to her "How are you feeling."

She laughs half heartedly.  "Let's see.  My little brother is so checked out that he almost sent me back to the one person i really don't wanna see, so yeah i'm fine."

Cyrus sighes "I figured."  He wanted to help her so badly but this was the first time he didn't know what to do.  

She sighes "I just... I really wanna find Elijah.  He always know what to say."

Cyrus looks at her "I think that give us another problem." 

 She looks at him confused.  "What do you mean?"  

Cyrus sighes "Think about it. Elijah would know we are here and he always answer a call or a text.  I have tried to contact him with no answer.  I think that leave us only with one explanation."

Leah sighes.  Klaus has daggered him."  

Cyrus nods "And if we wanna find Elijah, i think we need to face Klaus first."

Leah then gets a text at her phone, she sighes.  "Damon wants to meet up at the grill."

Cyrus looks at her "Do you want me to come with?"   She shakes her head "No, not right now but look for clues to find Elijah."  Cyrus smiles "Of course."   Leah smiles and walk off to her car.  

Leah arrive to the grill but she sees no sign of Damon but she sees Elena so she walks up to her. 

"Hey Elena, have you seen Damon? He wanted to see me but i can't find him."

Elena looks at her.  "Damon didn't text you, i did.  I need your help."  

Elena and Leah sits down in a booth. 

"Stefan called you?" Leah asks shocked. Elena nods. 

"He wouldn't have called me if he has completely gone off the rails and i'm not giving up on him. I love him and i know you care about him."

Leah sighes.  "Of course i care about him, he's my little brother.  But he also threatened to send back to the one person i don't wanna see... But i will help you"

Elena nods "Okay. I found out from Alaric that they've been tracking werwolves."

Leah nods "It makes sense.  Klaus has always felt alone in who he is so it makes sense that he would want to create more of him.  Also when me, Damon, Cyrus and Alaric were in Tennessee Klaus and Stefan had been in a house, two women were killed but they were also werewolves."

Elena nods "Okay, so would it make sense that Klaus would be looking for a pack."

Leah nods "For sure, more the better."  She knew Klaus has always wanted to create his own pack. 

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