Chapter 8

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Leah and Stefan walks into Gloria's bar where Rebekah and Klaus are waiting for them.   Klaus vampirespeed to Leah, checking her head.  "Are you alright?"  Leah nods.  "Yes."  Klaus takes her hand and sits her down her next to him by the bar.   Stefan watches Gloria, that's doing a spell.  "What is she doing?"    "She is failing." Klaus answers.  

Glora sighes.  "Hard to find something without anything to go on."   Rebekah turns to her.  "So use me, i only wore it for 1000 years."    Gloria nods.  "See this one offers a solution."  Gloria answers as Rebekah walks up to her.   Rebekah sits down at Gloria's table and gives Gloria her hand.    Leah can tell that Stefan is nervous, even tho he tries to hide it.  

"She's looking for the necklace?"   Stefan asks.  Leah looks at him.  

Gloria takes a deep breath.  "I can sense something."  They are now all standing closer.  

Gloria releases Rebekah's hand and looks at Klaus.  "I found it."   Leah feels herself getting worried.

"So where is it?"  Rebekah asks.  Gloria shakes her head.  "It doesn't work like that, I get images.  There's a girl with her friends."    Rebekah nods.  "Yes a dead girl with her dead friends if i don't get my necklace back."    Gloria sighes.  "I have to dive back in to get the details."  

Klaus walks up to Gloria, still holding Leah's hand.  Leah just wish that she can just sneak off but it's not easy with Klaus holding her hand all the time, it's like he's scared she's gonna leave again and he's right about that.  

"So dive."  Klaus tells Gloria.  She sighes.  "I need more time and space."   Leah turns to Klaus.  "Let's just give her some time, okay?"  Klaus looks back at Gloria.  "We can wait."   Gloria sighes.  "I'm sure you can but that's not what i asked."    Leah makes Klaus look at her.  "Hey, we can come back later, give Gloria some time, we can find something or someone to eat.  She'll let us know when she's ready."   Leah turns to look at Gloria.  "Right?"  She nods.  Klaus caresses Leah's face without saying anything before nodding.   He takes Leah's hand and they walk out.  


Victoria is at the founder's party, she is by the table getting some food when she hears someone saying hi to her.   She looks up and sees Alaric, she feels like she can't catch her breath.  He looks at her.  "Victoria?"   She chuckles while taking a breath.  "Sorry, hi Ric."    He looks at her.  "Are you okay?"   She nods.  "Yeah, it's fine."   Alaric nods "Well i'll see you around, enjoy the food." Alaric walks off.   Victoria sighes.    "Tell him."  She hears someone  saying behind her, she turns around and sees Damon.  

She sighes.  "Damon!"  He stands next to her.  "You just tell him."  She pretends to not know what he mean.   She chuckles.  "Tell him what?"   "You know exactly what."   She sighes.   "Okay fine, yes i like him, i like him a lot but it's not the righ time.  It's not been long since Jenna died and i know he's not ready and i have liked him for too lung to shoot my shot when i know what the answer will be and it will not be the answer i want.  So no, not right now."  

Suddenly Alaric walks up to them.  "Damon, can i talk to you?"  He nods but before going he whispers in Victoria's ear.  "Tell him."  He walks away with Alaric.  Victoria sighes.  


Leah was with Klaus and Rebekah,  Stefan has been gone for a while.  Leah stands up.  "I'm gonna check for Stefan."    But she can only walk a few steps before Klaus is infront of her.  "Stefan can take care of himself and we need to talk."   Leah gulps,  she knows what he wants to talk about.   Rebekah looks at them and sighes.  "I'm gonna find another person to eat."  And Rebekah walks out. 

Klaus looks at her.  "Why did you leave?"  Leah  can't talk about this.  "Must we talk about this? I don't wanna talk about this,  it was one of the worst days of my life.  I just wanna be here with you."   He looks at her.  "Have you missed me?"   She takes a deep breath.  "I have."   Deep down she knew that was the truth.    He looks at her and without a second thought, he kisses her.  

Even tho it's hard for her to admit, she has missed his touch.  He pulls away to put his head towards her forhead.  "I have missed you."  He whispers.   Just as he about to kiss her again when he hears something, assuming it's  Rebekah."   He sighes.  "I'm gonna check what that was."  He caresses her face.  "Stay here."   Leah nods and Klaus vampire speeds away.   Leah knows she's not gonna stay here and starts walking fast to the exit where she is met by Stefan.  

She gasps and pulls Stefan into a hug.  "Are you okay?"  He nods. "I'm fine."  They pull away.  Stefan looks around.  "Where is Klaus?"   "He was gonna check something, now is our time to go."   Stefan looks at her.  "I can't.  It's too dangerous if both of us go but you go."  Leah shakes her head.   "I'm not leaving you."   "Yes you are, go back to mystic falls and warn Elena about the necklace."   Leah sighes and nods.  She vamp speeds off, back to Mystic falls.  

Stefan and Rebekah are talking when Klaus comes running to them.  "Gloria is gone, we need to find a new witch."  He tells them.  Rebekah looks at her brother.  "He is not with us brother, i can sense it."   Klaus looks around and sees Leah nowhere.  "Where is Leah?"   Stefan gulps.  "Klaus."  He takes a step closer.  "Where is Leah?"   Stefan doesn't say anything and with that Klaus knocks him out.  


It's late but Leah has finally arrived to Mystic falls and is now outside the the salvatore house.  She knocks at the door, waiting for someone to open.   After a few seconds, the door opens and it's Cyrus.  

He can't believe what he's seeing.  "Leah?"  She nods with tears in her eyes.  "Hello Cyrus."  He pulls her into a hug, holding her tightly.  "You're okay."  Leah nods.   He pulls her away so he can really look at her.  "I'm fine, i promise."  He nods.   "I just... i thought i would never see you again."  Leah smiles.  "Well, i'm not going anywhere."   Cyrus let her in and closes the door.  "Let's sit, so you can tell me everything."  Leah nods.  

They have been talking for a while, she told about finding out that Klaus wasn't the one who send people to kill her and that he is trying to locate Elena's necklace.  

Suddenly the door opens, they both turn around and Leah sees who it is.  She stands up.  "Damon?"  He turns around when he hears her voice.  "Leah?"  She smiles and runs up to him, pulling him into a tight hug.   He pulls away to look at her face.  "You're okay?"  She nods.  "Yeah, i'm fine."  Leah now notices his face, all bloody.  "What happened to you, are you alright?"  

Damon sighes.  "I'm fine, just got into a fight, just drop it okay?"  Leah sighes.  "Okay but we need to talk Elena.  Damon doesn't like that.  "I don't really wanna talk to her right now."  Leah sighes.  "Damon, i don't care whatever has happened between you two but this is important?"  Damon looks at her.  "How important?"   "Klaus is trying to locate her necklace."   Damon looks at her with widens eyes,  even he knows that's bad.  

Leah is back in Mystic falls but how long before klaus finds her again?  I hope you guys like this chapter and pls tell me your thoughts

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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