Chapter 5

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Victoria woke up by someone pounding at her door.  She was trying to think who it could be no one came to mind.  She takes a deep breath and then she gets up out of the bed.  She walks to the door and through that time, it hasn't started pounding.  "Calm down, i'm coming."  She says while opening the door but then she sees it's Tyler and she can tell he's freaking out.  "Tyler? What are you doing here?"   He takes a deep breath.  "Caroline is missing."  And i need your help."  She nods.  

Damon hears his phone ringing and picks it up.  "You're interrupting my drink."  She smirks. "You miss me?"   Damon relaises who it is.  "Katherine. Where are you?"    "Lurking outside your window, pining away."   She teases.  He sighes.  "What do you want?"    "I'm homesick, what have i missed."  She answers.  "Stefan's still Klaus' little prisoner, Elena still thinks she can save him and oh Leah is back."  

 Katherine felt like her heart went up in her throat for a second.  "Leah is back?"   "Someone's exicted?" He teases.   Katherine shakes her head to herself. "Of course not."  She knew she was lying, She hadn't seen Leah since the 1980s.  She told herself Stefan was the only  Salvatore she fell in love with but she knew that would be a lie.  

"Anyway, what about you?  Now that you've given up on your brother, you're plotting some way of moving in on his girlfriend?"  She asks.  "I didn't give up on him. I just don't know where he is."   He could hear Katherine smirking.  "But you do.  Are you trailing them."   Katherine chuckles. "A hybrid who wants me dead and his sidekick who's off the rails? I couldn't be further away."   Damon nods.  "Which means you know exactly where they are."   She sighes.  "All i know is that Klaus pitched a fit once his hybrids didn't work.  Now he's looking for answers."   "How do you know?"  He asks.    "Spend 500 years running, there will be a few people looking out for you."

"Is that what you're doing? Looking out for my brother?"  He asks, trying to understand her intentions.  "Maybe, maybe not.  I'm conflicted."   He sighes.  "Where are they?"  "Chicago."  Katherine whispers.  Damon then Leah walks downstairs so he hungs up the phone.  She walks up to him.  "Who was that?" She asks.  Damon shakes his head.  "No important but there is something you need to know."  She looks at him interested.  "What is it?"   Damon takes a deep breath.  "I know where they are."  She looks at him shocked. "Where?"  "Chicago."   She sighes. Of course.  

Damon and Leah were at the Gilbert house to get Elena so they can go to Chicago.  Leah knew why Klaus and Stefan were in Chicago, she knew it as one of Klaus' favorite places, he had a lot of friends there.  So if Klaus wanted answers, there was nowhere else he would go.  But she also knew it as one of the places Stefan was the most during his ripper days.  

Elena opens the door and sees them. "Leah, Damon."  Leah sighes. "We know where they are, We're going to chicago."  Elena nods, she closes the door and they walk to Damon's car and they drive off.  

Victoria had now heard from Tyler of everything he knew.  That his mother had locked Caroline away and sent her to Caroline's father, a vampire hunter.  But Tyler had no idea where.  "Okay, we need to speak with Liz Forbes. She will know what to do."   Tyler nods. "Thank you, Victoria." She smiles.  "Come on."  Tyler nods.  They get into Victoria's car and drive off.  

Cyrus had decided to stay in Mystic falls instead of following to Chicago.  He was hoping  to find some clues to where Klaus has hidden Elijah.  He wanted to do everything in his power so Leah never have to go face to face with Klaus, He was worried for her.  


"Hope we find him.   It'd suck if the last memento of Stefan was that old necklace."   Damon comments.  Leah scoffs. "Damon, really?"    Damon looks back at her "What?".  "It's an antique Damon, like you."  Elena comments right back.   Damon picks up a book to show to Elena. "Read this. Paints a little picture of Stefan's experience in Chicago."   Leah looks at it closer.  "Is that what i think it is?"   Elena looks at him.  "It's Stefan's diary.  I'm not gonna invade his private thoughts.  "You need to be prepared for what you're about to see.  I've seen Stefan in his darkest periods I can handle it."   Leah nods. "Thank you, Elena.  Good that someone is responisble of the two of you."  But then Damon takes the diary and opens a page.  Leah looks at him.  "Damon... don't."   Damon doesn't listen.  "March 12, 1922.  I've blacked out days.  I wake up in Stranger's blood in places i don't reconize with women i don't remember. I'm shocked! Stefan's not a virgin?"  Leah takes the diary from Damon's hands.  "That's enough.  Eyes on the road." Damon shrugs his shoulders. "Fine, back to my game.  Tell me if you see a Florida plate."


Victoria and Tyler had now arrived to the Forbes house.  They walk up to the door and see Liz talking in the phone.  This is news she doesn't want to tell her own boss but she needs to know.  Victoria knocks at the door.  Liz turn around and sees them, she finishes the phone call and walks up to the door and open it.  "Victoria? Tyler? What is it."   Victoria sighes.  "It's your daughter.  She's missing and we think your ex husband is behind it."  Liz looks at them shocked.   Liz looks at them.  "How do you know?"   Tyler sighes.  "Because my mother told him to."


Leah walk up to Stefan's old apartment in Chicago.  "Stefan could live anywhere in Chicago and he chose this?"  Elena asks.   Leah looks at her.  "If you're gonna be a ripper, you wouldn't want to live in one of the finest apartments.  Would draw attention."  Elena nods, she has a point.   Damon breaks the lock of the door of the apartment and opens the door.   They walk into a very small apartment, very 1920s.   Elena feel the dust on the the table.  "He's obviously not been here."  Damon smirks.  "The tour is not over yet."  Damon walks up to a shelf by the kitchen.  He clicks to the side of it and opens to a secret closet.  Damon looks back at them to come.  Leah sighes.   They walk up to the closet, Damon turns on the lamp.  "Stefan hid his alcohol, what a monster."  Elena says sarcastic.  Leah sighes, she knew what Damon wanted to show.   "Look harder."  Damon tells her.   Elena walks into the closet and looks specific at the wall.  "It's a list of names."   But then Elena relaises what it actually is.  "Is this all his victims?"   Damon looks at her  "Still handling it?"  Damon walks out the closet.  Elena turns to Leah.  "Did you know about this?"  Leah sighes.  "Yes."   Chicago was really Stefan's darkest time.   "What were you guys doing in 1920s."   Leah smiles.  "Damon was here in Chicago. I was in France."   Damon smiles at her. "So fancy."  Damon looks at Leah.  "Come."  She nods.  Elena looks at them.  "Where are you guys going?"  "To Stefan's  old stomping ground."  Elena nods. "I'm going with you."    Damon shakes his head.  "No, you stay here and come up with an actual plan. We'll come back when we find him."  Damon walks out the door.  Leah walks up to Elena. "We'll find him, okay?"  Elena nods. Leah walks out.  

Closer to finding him, which means closer to find Klaus.  She wasn't sure if she was ready for that. 


Tyler has taken help from Victoria to find Caroline.  Cyrus is looking for clues.  Leah is getting closer to Klaus, is it good or bad? I hope you guys like this chapter and pls tell me your thoughts.  

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