Chapter 4

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Damon turns to Elena.  "Get out of the water Elena."    She looks up at him.  "If i get out, you're gonna make me go home."     Damon nods.  "Yeah, because i'm not an idiot like you."

Alaric turns to them.  "Now you're both acting like idiots."   Leah nods agreeing.  

Elena shakes her head.  "You gave up on him Damon."     Damon takes a step closer.  "I  didn't give up on him, Elena.  I faced reality.  Now, get out of the water."  Elena shakes her head. "No!"

Damon walks down to the water.  "What's your big plan, Elena? Gonna walk into a campsite of werewolves, roast a marshmallow, wait for Stefan to stop by?"   

Elena looks at him.  "Why do you not say the same thing to Leah?  She decided to follow me."

Damon sighes.  "My sister knows Klaus and she can defend herself.  You can't."

Elena sighes.  "My plan is to find him and help him.  Damon, this is closest we've been since he left.  I'm not going home."

Damon gets frustrated.  "Klaus thinks you died.  I don't think he will kill Leah but he for sure will kill you. "     Elena stands her ground.  "I'm not leaving before we find him."     "It's a full moon tonight, Elena."  He tells her.   But Elena is not giving up.  "Then we'll find him before then.  Damon please."    Damon sighes.  "Okay. But we're out of here before the moon's full. "  Elena nods "I promise."   Damon is clear.  "Or if you wanna relieve the deathbed thing."   Elena nods.  "I said i promise.  Damon sighes. "Fine."    Damon and Elena walks up from the water.   But there is one problem.  Damon turns to Alaric.  "Ric, where's my sister?"   They look and sees that Leah is nowhere to be found.  

Leah is walking through the woods.  She hates leaving Damon like this but she needs to find Klaus.  She hates it but she needs to find where Eliah is.   But then she feel someone turn her around and she sees none other than Damon.   He smiles.  "Hi Leah." She sighes. "Damon let go of my arm."   He looks at her.  "Not until you tell me what you're doing?"  She sighes. "Fine. I'm looking for Klaus."   He lets go of her arm and crosses his arms. "Why? You said you didn't want to see him, what's changed?"  She sighes.  "I don't want to find because i want to be with him or any of that crap.  But i need to find Elijah and i know that Klaus has daggered him."  Damon looks at her confused.  "Why do you want to find Elijah?"  She takes a deep breath.  "He's my friend and i need him.  I need him more than anyone. If i need to talk to Klaus to find him than i will do it."   Damon sighes.  "You're not doing this alone, okay?"  She sighes.  "Fine.  Where's Elena and Alaric?"  Damon smiles "Turn around."   She turns around and sees them.  "Is everything alright?"  Elena asks.   Leah smiles.  "I'm fine.  Let's just keep going."  So they keep on walking together.  

They walk for a while.  Until they hear twigs breaking.   Until Alaric takes up his crossbow. Leah looks up and sees a man walking towards them, there's blood all over him.   When he gets closer Leah can tell that he's  a werewolf that Klaus has tried to transition but it has failed.  

He looks at Leah and Damon. "Vampires."   He leaps for Damon and pushes him towards a tree trying to bit him.   "Damon!"  Leah screams.  She throws one of her daggers in the werewolf's back and Alaric shoots an arrow into the back aswell but he doesn't work.  Elena then throws her grenade to Damon.   He takes it and throws it in the werewolf's face.    He screams and falls to the ground.   Damon kicks him in the stomach so he passes out.   Leah looks at him.  "Are you alright?"  He nods.  "Let me guess, hybrid?"  Alairc asks.   Leah sighes. "Almost."

They tie up the man to the tree.  "These ropes are not gonna hold him much longer."  "Ric, take these."  Elena says while she pours vervain on the ropes.  But Damon takes a hold of them which really burns.  He screams out and turns around.  Elena looks at him.  "I said Ric."  Which makes Leah laugh.   Alaric then takes it.   Damon nods.  "Alright, that's the last time of the vervain."

"We don't have enough stuff to hold him."  Alaric tells them while tying the ropes around him.  He walks up to the others.  "I don't think we're gonna make the ridge before the full moon." Elena nods.  "If we can get him to talk, we don't have to."  But then he wakes up and start twisting his bones.  Damon looks at him confused.  "Is he turning?"  Leah is shocked. "Impossible."   But he just keeps screaming.  Damon walks up to him to hold him down.  

"There aren't supposed to be werewolves until the moon is full."  Elena states.   Alaric shakes his head.  "The ropes is not gonna hold a wolf."       "Damon, we've gotta get out of here.  We've got to get out of these mountains."  Elena yells.  Damon still is holding the man.  "Damon!"  Leah shouts.  Damon nods and they run back.  

It starts to getting dark but they're still running through the woods.  Elena falls down but Leah then sees a wolf right infront of her.  "Don't move."  She tells her.  She looks up and sees the wolf.    Damon turns to the wolf. "Here, doggy doggy."  Damon vampire speed off and the wolf follows him.  Leah helps Elena up.  "We need to go."   Elena looks at her.  "We can't leave him.  If he gets bit, he will die.  I'm the reason he's out here."     Leah takes a hold around Elean's shoulders.  "I know my brother and he can handle himself so we need to go."    Elena nods and they keep running.  

Alaric and Elena was sitting in the car, Leah was standing outside guarding.  She was starting to think about Klaus.  What would happen when she found him, what would she say and more importantly what would he do.  She has no idea.   Then she sees Damon coming out of the woods.   She jumps into his arms and sighes in relief.   "Are you okay?"   He pulls away.  "Yeah i'm fine.  Get into the car."  Leah smiles shaking her head.  She walks to the car and take a seat.  Damon comes and sits next to her.  They drive off.  


She is back at the mansion.  She has just got out of the shower.  She walks down the stairs and sees Cyrus sitting down in the sofa.  She pours them both a glass of bourbon and sits next to him.  He smiles as she hands a glass.  "Thank you."    Leah looks at him.  "Have you found anything?"  Cyrus sighes.  "No, it's not easy to find a 1000 year old vampire.  Have you found anything?"  Leah swallows down the bourbon.  "All i know is that Klaus has daggered him.  Where he is i do not know.  Our easiest way to find him is through Klaus."

Cyrus looks at her "Are you ready for that?"  Leah sighes and looks at him.  "I don't know."  She drinks her bourbon. 

Leah is getting closer to find Elijah but at what cost? I hope you guys like this chapter and please tell me your thoughts

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