Chapter 1

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"REYELLE, TABLE 10 IS STILL WAITING ON THEIR DONUTS!" yelled my manager Tiffany. I quickly snapped out of my dreams and rolled my eyes at the now annoyed Tiffany. I picked up the donut tray, and brung the donuts to table 10, I managed to say, "Anything else I can get for you guys today?" The older gentleman looked up at me and said, "Yeah, a quicker waitress, I've been seating here for 15 minutes for 2 donuts... ridiculous." Was he talking to me? Was he disrespecting mwah? I think to think not. "Excuse me sir, but we are short staff and our cooks and waitresses, like myself, are trying the best we can. But it's literally the customers like you who make work so difficult and un-enjoyable." I cleared my throat, being professional as possible, "Have a nice day sir." I said walking away before I go to jail for putting my hands on somebody's grandpa.

I passed by it everyday, and each day I passed by it on the way to work, it made me smile. Just knowing I was so close to buying my own boutique gave me joy everyday. Just knowing that I won't have to get up early anymore and ride 15 minutes to the café. It'll be right down the street from my apartment. I could just simply walk! That's what kept me going, that's what made all the coffee spills, the annoying customers, the late nights at the café worth it. The words "I quit" were at the tip of my tongue I could feel it. Just a couple more bucks, and that place is mine!

Finishing college was the easy part. Late night studies? I loved them. Pop quizzes? To die for. Ten page essays? Easy Peasy! Now, the not so easy part... Trying to find a nice boutique to start from. I've applied for 5 clothing boutiques just to get me started, and all of them rejected me.

So, I just figured might as well start something on my own. It gets harder and harder every single day. Prices going up, rent due next week, my mom's coming to town in a month, and I have nothing, nothing but a 1 bedroom and bath apartment and a pet kitty named Luna. I genuinely can't have my mom come into town and I have nothing to show her... nothing I'm proud of. I can hear her now, "All that money for your college and you didn't even do anything with your degree." I shake my head from even thinking that thought, because I am going to get my boutique and I will be the best fashion designer this nation has ever heard of. Hey, dreams never hurt anyone!

I laughed at myself as I got off the bus at my stop... another day closer to my dreams. Sometimes I think about how my life would be different if I would've stayed in Charleston with my mom. She would've forced me to go to her alma mater, Miller-Mote College, a private college for the gifted. Not for me. I do have a gift though, an eye for fashion, I can make anything look fabulous. I just wish my mother would see and appreciate my gift as I do. Moving to San-Diego has always been my dream since I was ten, and that's one dream I accomplished, something that I did all by myself! I'd be damned if I don't accomplish all of my dreams, after all... what's a dream without fulfilling it.

Luna was sleeping on the couch as soon as I walked in, I smiled at the sight of her so peaceful, living her best cat life. I wish I could give her more, maybe a cat bed, some toys, better treats, she deserves it. I found Luna my first week in college, she would come by my window and purr at me when I waved. It's safe to say it was 'love at first purr'. Ever since that day it's only been me, Luna, and of course Ben&Jerry (especially on weekends). I hear my phone buzz and of course it's my Best friend since freshman year of college, Amy.

Amy<3: Party at the Bitter Stellina tonight, you've gotta come!

Me: Haven't partied since my 21st, besides I can't leave Luna. Me and her have a whole night with Ben&Jerry and Twilight Saga. 😛

Amy<3: if you don't stfu and be ready by the time I get there to pick you up I will personally throw that cat out the window for ruining your fun. Also ice cream and Edward can wait.

Me: You will not lay a finger on Luna, and I haven't had a night alone in weeks! Maybe next time! Ily 😍

Amy<3: Rey, I'm trying not to be selfish right now but, I haven't hung out with you in forever. I miss you too, you know? Please just this night, I won't ever ask again!

This girl! Not her trying to sweet talk me into going to the club tonight. I'm not gonna lie though, I miss her so much, and she's right... we haven't hung out in forever!

Me: You're right. Let the vodka shots begin! I'll be ready in 20 minutes! HURRY GIRL! 🤪

What was I getting myself into?

*** 2 HOURS LATER***

I've had a total of 4 shots and I'm currently sucking on a lime to keep from passing out

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I've had a total of 4 shots and I'm currently sucking on a lime to keep from passing out. Why did I agree with this again? I lost Amy about 30 minutes ago and I still have yet to find her. I know I saw her talking to the DJ about a song she wanted to hear but I turned my head for one second and she's gone. WTH! I swear that girl is like a snake, she's sneaky and pops up outta nowhere. She convinced me to wear the royal blue mini dress and some black glittery high heels, I'm literally the definition of a hooker right now. (DRESS UP ABOVE) I looked over at the DJ booth again, and I saw Amy whispering to the DJ and he laughed. I grinned, typical Amy, always a damn flirt. I slowly traced a path through the dance floor to Amy that I was gonna follow to get to her. No running into anyone, no more drinks, time for Reyelle and Amy to hit the road. I start going the path my eye traced before and before I knew it I tripped over some dude who was apparently doing the worm, pop off I guess. But now, I'm currently on the ground and everyone is staring at me. Could this night get any worse? I close my eyes to regroup myself because I definitely didn't want to bawl my eyes out in front of all of these eyes before me. I open my eyes and there they were, the most stunning and dazzling blue eyes I've every seen. I could drown, I could melt... Hell, I could do both. He smiles at me and offers me a hand to help me up. I nervously grab it and I'm kinda surprised by his strength in helping me up. His beautiful lips, his muscular body, his perfectly carved nosed, his beautiful dark hair, I could get lost in it. "Are you okay?" He finally asked, probably creeped out because I was staring too long. "I—- I'm fine, thank you," I managed to cough up. He grinned, "What's your name amore?" Oh god, he's Italian, Of course he is, that deep accent, I love him already. (Me+him=bed >> NOW) What has come over me? I've never thought this whenever I meet any other man... what is he doing to me? I studied his face one more time before I said, "Reyelle, what about you?" He looked at me, deeply this time and said, "Callum—- Callum Bianchi."

I wake up on the couch of my apartment and Amy is cuddled up with Luna. I smile at the adoring sight. I make my way to the kitchen to make myself a nice matcha latte, my favorite! While making my matcha, all i can think about are those deep sea blue eyes. Who are you Callum Bianchi?


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