Chapter 31

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This chapter is for TanoraWise4  > Thank you for your loyalty to this book. It meant a lot when I first started writing it, and it still means a lot! <3

~ Des POV

I can feel smoke in my lungs, and not the good kind. My whole body feels numb but I can feel blood dripping from my forehead. It's time for me to go in fight or flight mode. I break the glass window as I jump out of the plane into a puddle of the gasoline. Any minute now this bad boy was gonna blow up. A few other soldiers jumped out of the window and a few looked a little shook up.

"What do we do now?" one of the rookie soldiers ask.

"We fight. We are Bianchi family associates, we don't give up." I say bandaging up my scar on my forehead. My beeper starts ringing and I know it's Reyelle. Matteo with his big ass mouth has her worried for no reason at all. I answer to my surprise it's Matteo who answers.

You guys okay? I got the alert as soon as the ignition failed.

"Yeah boss we're fine. If I'm correct there is a military base about a couple hundred miles back." I say walking away from the other soldiers.

Yeah, a little over 300. You guys have some rations left?

I open up my backpack and I have a lot of rations left. I tend to not eat when i'm on serious missions for the family.

"I have plenty boss. We can use our resources as well." I say coughing a little from the smoke buildup in my lungs.

Good. Get out of there Des! Reyelle fainted and hit her head pretty hard on the tile.


Get back here safely Des! Is all he says before hanging up. Anger and Sadness fills my
body. I have to get my home to my woman and my baby girl.

~ Few hours later ~

"We can stop here guys. We only have about 50 miles to go. We can finish up in the morning." I say dropping my book bag.

I couldn't take any of the soldiers complaining anymore. I go in the woods to collect wood for a fire. My pocket started to buzz and I'm just annoyed all over again. I know Matteo would want me to keep going but we've been traveling for hours and the soldiers are tired.


Hey love. her sweet voice says but also a little tired. My annoyance immediately goes away.

"Hey baby, you okay? How are you feeling?" I say dropping the firewood and sitting down for the first time in hours.

I'm okay, my head hurts. Are you okay? I'm glad you answered.

"I'm good. Is Moira okay?" I ask.

Yeah, she's good. She's with Amy right now, while I'm in the hospital.

"Oh fuck baby. I'm sorry, I didn't want to stress you out with this and i did the exact opposite." I say shoving a piece of wood in anger.

Des, it's okay. I'm just glad you're safe and heading home.

"I love you woman. I'll be home before you know it." I say touching my hard print coming from my pants. I can't wait to have my hands on her. Screw resting, I have to get back home... quickly.


~ Reyelle POV 

"Look whose here!" I say reaching for my baby as Amy and her enter my hospital room. Moira smiles as I grab her and give her a great big cuddle. I can't be away from her for too long or I will get antsy. She smells like vanilla and shea butter. I've taught Amy well.

Moira looks up at me and places both of her tiny hands on either side of my face.

"Mama." she says ever so lightly tapping my cheeks. I give her a slight kiss on her forehead just as she lays her head back on my shoulder.

"I'm glad you're okay babes." Amy says giving me a slight peck on my forehead. I smile at her as she sits at the foot of my bed. I hit my head pretty hard on the floor, and thank God for Amy because Moira would've been hurt too if she didn't catch her. 

"Any word from who could've done this to Matteo's plane?" I ask still cuddling Moira. Amy shakes her head 'no'. I have a couple of people in mind. 

"It was probably Callum. I knew it. He just can't stand to see me happy with Des." 

"Rey, please don't jump to conclusions. Matteo is already stressed and if he hears that you say Callum is responsible..." she trails off. But, as always, she's right. Matteo practically took over the Italian Mafia when Callum dropped out of nowhere. I mean he pops up from time to time, but as far as making tough decisions, that's all Matteo. I couldn't be more proud of him, he's taking over the Mafia and making time for Amy and his son. 

"You're right. Who is Matteo Junior with?" I ask just now realizing he's not with her. 

"Lucia, because Francesco and Matteo trying to get Des and the others home." she says a little annoyed. 

"You okay?" 

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll be back, I'm gonna go have a cigarette." She says in an unfamiliar tone leaving the room. I know Amy, and she doesn't smoke and she occasionally since having her son, drinks, but smoking has never crossed her mind. 

~ Amy POV

I take a long drag of the cigarette as the unfamiliar taste feels the inside of me. I don't know what has come over me. Scratch that. But, do I tell my best friend that her baby daddy is the cause of this crash? Or not? I'm in a tough situation and Matteo strictly asked me not to tell her... but I tell her everything. 

Callum meant to kill Des and every soldier on that plane, but once he finds out he didn't succeed he will never rest until Reyelle and Moira are his again. I feel like Reyelle should know that her baby daddy is coming after her and her child. That way we can take precautions, but if I tell her, then Matteo will be mad at me... livid even.

What do I do? I don't want my best friend to die. But, she loves Des. 

Everywhere Des is, she will be sticking to his side like glue. 

She is going to be in danger with him... 

Because he is dangerous.


Sorry for the short chapter! I promise there will be more to come next chapter! Also, my apologies for all the (pov's) I just couldn't quite think of anything else. Like always thank you for reading lovies! <33333

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