Chapter 10

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"Tonight we're having Caprese Chicken Saltimbocca, my favorite." Matteo says leading me and Amy to their dinner table. "My family will join us shortly." 

I sit on the opposite side of Amy and Matteo, saving a seat for Callum. I really hope he's not gonna be talking to his dad for a long time. It's only been 30 minutes since our little encounter and I already miss him. Yeah, I know this is bad, you would think their would be some remorse in my heart for doing this to Gavin. But, my heart knew what it wanted, my body knew what it wanted, so I reacted. My God, it was a good fucking reaction, because he reacted back. 

"What will you drink tonight ma'am?" A kind middle aged woman asks me trying her best at English. 

"Umm, posso avere un cocktail on the rocks." I say not being able to translate 'on the rocks'. (Gimlet cocktail)

She lifts her eyebrow with a impressed look on her face, I smile at her reaction. She whispers something to the man and he smiles and she walks away to get our drinks. 

"Reyelle, I didn't know you spoke Italian." Matteo says breaking off a piece of bread and popping in his mouth. 

"Just the basics, I took some clases in college." I say unfolding the napkin and placing it on my lap. 

"Damn," he says with a mouthful of bread. I laugh at him as I glance over to Amy admiring his every breathing moment. They are both truly cute together, I can't wait to see what the future hold for their relationship. 

The kind lady came back with our drinks and I take a long sip of my cocktail, the ice just adds a icy coldness and it smooths out my throat as I swallow my drink. 

"What is your father talking to your brother about?" Amy finally ask, I'm glad she did because I felt a little intrusive asking about it. Especially since I still have a boyfriend and it's not Callum. 

"Probably," he coughs and looks at her. 

She looks over at me and rolls her eyes at him, "She knows Matteo, I told her yesterday." 

"You did?" He ask in offense.

"Yeah, I'm done hiding secrets from her. She's my best friend, and if she even thought about having a relationship with Callum, she should know." She says looking over at me giving me a faint smile. I smile back and her and mouth 'thank you'.

"I just feel like it wasn't your place, Callum should've been the one to tell her." He says looking at her with a serious look.

"Matteo, she's my best friend. What else was I suppose to do? Lie!" She says back to him with a little more push in her voice. 

"No Tesoro!" He says closing his eyes taking a sip of his whiskey. 

She rolls her eyes at him and looks back at me and gives me a smirk. I laugh at her as she sips some more of her wine and leans back in her chair. 

"She's right, Reyelle needed to know." Callum's voice says from behind me. 

Another older woman and man walk in after Callum, followed by a woman about my age. Callum takes his place beside me, placing his firm hand on my thigh. I smile at his gesture and I take another sip of my drink. 

"All I'm saying is, maybe we shouldn't talk about family business outside of the house." Matteo continues on. 

"Okay, well I'm sorry. I won't talk about family business out of the house." Amy says rolling her eyes at him. 

"Matteo stop being a nag." The older gentleman says with a really thick Italian accent. "Excuse Matteo ladies, sometimes he doesn't know when to.... Shut up." He chuckles.

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