Chapter 17

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- This chapter is just an insight on Amy's childhood to her meeting Reyelle in college.

~ Amy's POV ~

You could say I was a daddy's girl, I loved him with every bit of my heart. I think it's also safe to say that my mom hated that her only child loved her daddy more than her mom. My mom beat me endlessly, and whenever my dad would try and stop it, she would threaten his life. Until one day, she took it to far and she took him from me forever.

"Giggles" is what he use to call, when I saw him I laughed, when I was with him I laughed, when he was being serious with me, I laughed. So the name stuck ever since I was about 3, my dad just brought me so much joy and my mom of course hated that. I was an accidental pregnancy, my mom wanted to abort me, but my dad begged her not too, he promised to stick by her side and raise me with her and take care of her as well. By the time she made up her mind and officially wanted one, I was officially 10 weeks, so it was illegal for her to do it. I think that's where her hatred started for me.

After she had one of her brothers kill my dad the abuse was worse, but at least I had theater. Theater saved my life, theater was there for me when she wasn't and I promised myself I would make a career out of it. It hasn't happened yet, but it will come soon. College came around and I just knew I had to get away from country ass Arizona, so I applied for a college not too far, but far enough. Not even 3 months later I got accepted to the University of San Diego, and 3 weeks later I was on an airplane going to meet my roommate in Charleston, South Carolina.

"We're so glad you're finally here," Ms.Elsie said greeting me with a big hug. Her daughter, my roommate came from behind her with the big poster board with my name on it, and gave me a big hug as well.

"Was your flight okay?" Reyelle ask handing me a latte she picked up for me.

"It was alright, a lot of turbulence for my first flight." I say sipping the caramel latte she got for me, she knows I love my caramel.

"Turbulence is a killer," Ms.Elise says taking my bag as we head to the car. Me and Reyelle talked the whole 2 hours back to her house. She's really funny, and I can honestly already tell we are going to best friends. Her mom makes her tense though, I notice little comments her mom says that make her frown instantly. But, I will say, any mom is better than my drunk and abusive one.

~ 5 months Later ~

"That's the last of the boxes from your mom's car Rey. I can't believe she drove all the way here to San Diego." I say putting down her boxes full of clothes.

"Thanks Amy, and once my mom has her heart set on something, she's gonna do it." She says taking one of her boxes of clothes and opens it. I turn to head back downstairs to tell her goodbye before Reyelle says, "Where are you going?" I turn back toward her and give her a shy smile.

"Going to say bye to your mom." I say pointing toward our open dorm door.

"Oh, she's already gone. She got rid of me as soon as she could." She says taking out one of her sweatshirts from the box.

"She doesn't seem..." I try to finish before Reyelle interrupts.

"The type to do that? Yeah, she's good at acting. Not as good as you though." She says looking up at me giving me her best 'keep it together smile'. All I could do was close our dorm door and help her finish unboxing her clothes. I guess that's why we bonded so well, we both have mommy issues.

~ Present Day Amy ~

"No more drinking Tesoro," Matteo says pouring out the last of his whiskey. I smile at him already showing the fatherly side of him.

"Matteo, just because I can't drink doesn't mean you can't honey!" I say trying to reassure him but being to late as I hear the last drops of the strong liquid going down the drain.

"My drunk days are over, it's time for me to take our relationship and our baby seriously." He says walking over placing his arm on both sides of me.

"That's too bad, I like drunk Matteo, he's fun," I say leaning forward giving him a light peck.

"I can't still be fun baby," He says resuming our kiss.

Later that night

The sound of my phone buzzing wakes me up, I sit up making Matteo's strong arms let me go. I rub my eyes and my phone continues to ring, I look at the number and I don't recognize it.


Hey Amy, this is...

I know who you are.

That's all I say before hanging up, I look over and Matteo is starting to wake up as well.

"Who was that Tesoro?" Matteo ask in his sexy Morning Italian voice that I love.

"Nobody babe, let's go back to sleep," I say giving him a small peck and laying back down.

I can't believe she would call me, why now?

I haven't seen her in almost 5 years. She sounded sober, but I can't have her in my life. I won't let her abuse my baby, I always vowed I would always be a better mother than her.


hey guys 🤘🏾🤘🏾🤘🏾 I'm sorry for not writing, the holidays really got to me and I kept procrastinating! I'm back now though! Thanks for reading this far lovies! <3

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