Chapter 4

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Dear Ms.Reyelle Monroe, first of all our company would like to thank you for your time submitting the fabulous designs. We were quite impressed, considering you are quite young, but we do see something in you. We see potential in you and we would actually love for you to come work as a apprentice designer at our company. Please take your time making this decision. After you've completely give it thought, please call me personally. My name is Lucy Peagram and I'm the CEO of Peagram Boutiques.
Number: 639-436-2799
I look forward to hearing from you very soon Ms.Monroe.
- L.P <3

I read the email over and over, until I went cross eyed. Not only were my designs 'fabulous', but she's offering me a job as an Apprentice Designer! I can't believe this. God is so good!

I quickly called Amy and told her to good news. I would call me mom, but i can hear her now.... "Apprentice? Come one Reyelle, do better!"

I shake my head from that thought, I just really hope my Mom comes around and actually appreciates my talent.

I honestly don't need to a moment to think about this opportunity, I want this job. It's everything I've wanted since I graduated. It'll give me the extra push I need to start my own line. Who knows? Maybe I'll own a successful boutique like Ms.Lucy Peagram.

Amy suggested we go to brunch to celebrate. I suggested we go to the café I work at, So we can celebrate and I can officially quit. This opportunity is going to be so huge for me, It'll change everything for me. Maybe I can start saving up for a car now! Luna can have better treats, I could definitely update my furniture in my apartment. Or.... Get a bigger apartment! The future is looking bright for Reyelle Monroe.

I changed into a simple sweater, black leggings and my white converses. Just something real comfy to have brunch in with my favorite person! I give Luna one last cuddle and I head to the bus stop to get to the Café.

"I knew someone was gonna recognize your talent!" Amy says getting up to hug me as soon as i walk into the Café.
"I'm so grateful they did, I was getting kinda miserable." I said with a half assed laugh.
Amy laughed and said, "I already ordered for you, I got you matcha."
I winked at her, She knows just what I like.

After we finish brunch, I look up at Amy and she gave me the 'You need to do this already' look. I groan as I roll my eyes at her and make my way to the counter.
I spotted my manager, soon to be ex manager, Tiffany looking at the schedule clipboard, looking pissed as always. I just stare her down trying to get her attention.

"Tiffany," I said waving at the same time.
She looked up and saw me, and for the first time in forever she smiled at me. She genuinely looked happy to see me for once. Now it comes... The Guilt.
"Hey Reyelle, What are you doing here on your day off?" She ask in confusion.
"I actually came her to have Brunch with my friend and to talk to you." I said nervously.
"Oh boy," She says tugging a piece of her brunette hair.
"So... I got another Job as a Apprentice Fashion designer." I say.
"And next Wednesday is going to be my last day at the Café." I say closing one of my eyes and the other looking at her expression.
She takes a deep breath, and I know, here comes the wrath of Tiffany. She's probably gonna call me a selfish bitch for leaving when we are so short staff.

"Tiffany, please say something." I plead to her.
She takes another breath and says, "You deserve it Reyelle."
Huh? Did she just say I deserved my new job? Did I hear wrong?
"I hear you talking to the others about your dreams of opening a fashion line. I hope you know, you deserve it." She says looking the sincerest I've ever seen her.
"That means more to me than you'll ever know Tiffany." I say almost choking on my words.
No matter I how much Tiffany yelled at me for going in a daze, she was the best manager. She never yelled at me for taking more days off than usual. She showed me the ropes around this Café and she showed me what Independent woman looks like. I will forever look up to her because of that.

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