Chapter 11

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Thanks for reading this far lovies! <3

"Gavin, we need to break up." I say putting down my matcha latte.

He looks up at me and continues to chew his pancakes, he closes his eyes as he swallows the rest of his food.

"I thought we were fine. I mean I know I have to cancel a lot of our dates, but I thought you wouldn't mind." He says staring at me intensely.

"Well I do, and I'm tired of it." I say trying to keep the smirk from off my face. Little does he know, every time he cancelled, I just called Callum and we hung out at my apartment. Yes, it is bad, but there has always be a suspicion I've had that Gavin was cheating on me. The hickies I didn't give him, the emergencies, the no calls. It was only a matter of time before I found out, and I'm glad I'm breaking this off right now.

"Rey, please. We can make this work baby." He says trying to grab my hand. I snatch it away and place it on my lap with the other.

"No, because last time we had this conversation, you said the same thing. Look where we are now Gavin!" I say raising my voice a little bit.

"You are tripping!" He said leaning back in his seat now.

So typical of him to use the word 'tripping' when I'm right. He always does this, making me feel sorry for him and I'm done with it.

"You're being a complete ass right now, I'm leaving." I say grabbing my purse and getting ready to leave.

"I'm not paying for you food. We are not together anymore!" He yells at me from his seat. Here we go again, the yelling battle. I don't have time for his bull crap today, why did he pick today of all days to be an asshole.

I walk back to our table and I lay a $50 on a napkin, he probably will take it, but the cameras never lie.

"Have a nice life Gavin!" I say marching towards the door.

"I was cheating on your ass anyway!" He yells right as I exit the door. I knew it!

I'm so glad it's Saturday, I just want to rest and watch movies with my bestie! I hear 2 people giggle as I open the door, and I can't help but recognize Amy's giggle and someone else's. Someone I haven't heard giggle in a mighty long time.

I open the door and find my mom on the couch, just chatting it up with Amy, she just smiles at her, a smile I only got one time in my life.

"Hey momma." I say just as she looks up.

"Hey sweetheart, before you get angry with me, I didn't let you know because I wanted it to be a surprise." She says clapping her hands together.

"I'm not mad momma, just surprised." I say giving her a faint smile as I set my purse on one of my barstools and hanging my keys up.

"Are those keys? Reyelle Imani Monroe, you didn't tell me you bought a car baby!" She says standing up and rushing over to give me a hug.

"Yeah, she bought her dream car all on her own." Amy chimes in making faces at me as I hug my mom.

"That little dirt cheap café job did you some Justice!" She says pushing me a little on my shoulder.

There it is! That little smart comment, that's the mother I know. She's been making comments like that my whole life, nothing new to me.

"I quit about 2 months ago mom." I say catching her off guard.

"Oh sweet lord Reyelle, please don't tell me you're a sugar..." she says trying to finish.

"Oh goodness, no mom! I'm an apprentice fashion designer at Lucy Pegram boutiques." I say proudly but also a little hurt that she would think I would do something like that.

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