Chapter 16

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"Are you fucking joking right now Rey?" Amy ask me in all seriousness

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"Are you fucking joking right now Rey?" Amy ask me in all seriousness. I laugh at her as I hold her dress up that I've been working on for her birthday for a whole month.

"No, I'm not!" I say still giggling at her. "You're wearing this at your party tomorrow."

"Oh Rey, I love it," she says covering her mouth as the tears spill from her eyes. I lay the dress on my bed and I rush over to give her a big hug. Amy is my best friend, I will literally kill for this girl. She's always been there for me. It's only fair if I treat her with love because that's all she's ever treated me with.

"You're going to look amazing!" I say looking at her running mascara. She gives me a smile and one more big hug before squealing and running over to her dress. She looks at me again for a reassurance.

"GO TRY IT ON BABE!!" I say pushing her towards the bathroom. She giggles as I push her into the bathroom and close the door. I run over to my phone, which has been buzzing like crazy ever since I woke up this morning. I smile once I see his name multiple times on my screen.

Callum<3: I miss you amore.

Me: I miss you too! But, love, I was just with you last night.

Callum<3: Last night wasn't enough.

Me: That made me smile. Are you coming to Amy's party tomorrow?

Callum<3: Of course. The dress you made for her is stunning by the way.

Me: Aww thank you love! How do you know what the dress looks like?

Callum<3: Amy posted it on her Instagram. So far 3k likes in 5 minutes. Impressive.

Me: 3k likes!!!! WOW!!!!

Callum<3: Correction. 5k likes, your work is amazing.

I heart Callum's message just as I hear Amy belching in the bathroom. I put my phone down as I open the bathroom door to see Amy struggling to hold her hair back and get everything into the toilet.

"I'm here babe!" I tell her as I rush over grabbing her hair from her. The dress is in the corner hanging up, I'm guessing she changed out of it before she felt sick. She flushes the toilet and leans back into me, and of course I get to overthinking.

"Amy, how long have you been sick?" I ask looking down at her. She looks up at me with tears in her eyes and I automatically feel tears welling up in mine too.

"About a month and a half," She cries as I hug her even tighter. I suddenly start to cry with her, and all I can do is just hug her and exist with her. That's all she needs right now.

"Did you take a test?" I say wiping my own tears away as I continue to hug her.

"No, I was too scared," she says crying more into my shoulder. I rub her back trying to calm her down, Amy has every right to be scared.

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