Chapter 21

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"Callum, please let me go with you!" I pleaded to him. He's going to Madrid for a whole week and a half, on some "business trip". He won't even spare me any details at all!

"Reyelle, I've told you multiple times this week and the week before, and the answer is still the same. No!" He says brushing beside me to grab another traveling bag.

"Callum!" I slightly yell at him. He looks up at me with a slight bit more sympathy this time. My plan is to guilt trip him into letting me go to Spain with him. But, he's quite stubborn.

"Yes, my love?" He ask making me more annoyed. I roll my eyes at him and flop down on the bed, and I do the thing that makes him give in every time! I cry. I cry my little brown Bambi eyes out. I feel his precious hand massage my shoulders, which makes me feel bad a little bit. The selfish part of me wants to just travel with him, but the other part of me knows he has to go, because it's for his family. 

"Amore, I want more than anything for you to come with me. But, if anything happens to you and I'm not able to protect you..." He trails off and he removes his hand from my shoulders. 

I look up at him as he looks away from me, my 'tears' rolling down my face, and I have a gut retching feeling that I don't want him to finish that sentence. Whatever he's going to do in Madrid, he doesn't want me to know. He might kill. He might not. Who knows? But, I do know, he's trying to protect my innocence, what's left of it anyways. I respect that. 

"Just be safe, okay?" I sniffle out as I embrace him. I feel his muscular arms come around me to complete our hug. 

"Of course baby," He says holding me tighter. 

"Ti amo," I say without hesitation. (I love you)

"What?" He ask breaking our hug and looking at me. I'm confused, I know I said it loud and clear. 

"I—I sa—said Ti amo," I stutter out. He gives me a light kiss on my forehead and another on my lips before grabbing his bags and leaving. 


"He did what!!?!?" Amy asks frustratedly. 

"I told him that I loved him and he walked away," I say again for the third time. 

"Girl, I would've slapped his ass." She says as she rubs her growing belly. 

"I think he was just nervous to say it back. I know he loves me," I say with as much confidence as possible. Amy rolls her eyes at me and takes a sip of her water with blueberries and strawberries, something she has been craving this whole entire pregnancy so far. 

"There you go, making excuses for people that do you so wrong," she says pointing angrily at me. "Rey, if he loves you, he would've said it. But you right, actions speak louder than words." She says throwing her hands up in defeat. I laugh at her and all of her trueness and silliness. 

"I figured out what I'm naming my son," she says clapping her hand together excitedly. 

"What!???" I ask almost jumping outta the chair I was sitting in. 

"You ready for this?" She ask trying to stall me. 

"Spit it out babes!" I yell at her jokingly. 

"So, his name is, Matteo Rey-Richard Bianchi," she says giving me jazz hands. 

"You gave him a little piece of me?" I ask trying not to cry. 

"Of course, you're my girl! I love you!" She says giving me a hug. 

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