31: You Can Only Lead A Horse To Water

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Jameel was seated in front of his desktop in his room when he heard Afrah, muttering "assalamualaikum." On the other side of the door.

His gaze automatically averted from the screen of his computer as he stood up to get the door.

He opened the door and Afrah came into view, looking as beautiful as always. "come on in," he urged. "Why are you just standing there?"

"Nazir is leaving." She deadpanned. "I came to inform you."

From the tone of her voice, Jameel could tell that something was wrong. He had sensed it earlier but shrugged it off. Afrah avoiding eye contact with him just proved to him that indeed something was wrong somewhere. "JaFrah."

Jameel didn't fail to notice the subtle eye roll after he called her that.

"Have I done anything wrong?" He asked. "Look," he lifted her chin with his hand. "at me."

"Have you?" Afrah asked, now looking directly into his eyes.

"I don't know that's why I'm asking you."

"If you're so sure you haven't done anything, why are you asking me that?" Afrah removed his hand from her face. "

Jameel sighed. "Is it going to be like this between us now?"

Afrah huffed, then turned to leave.

"Afrah!" Jameel's voice was stern. Afrah's attitude was exasperating him. He needed to understand where her mood swing was coming from.

"What?" Afrah asked, turning around to face him. "what is it?"

"Did I do something?"

Afrah huffed again. "No, you didn't. Can I leave now?"

"We're in the middle of a conversation."

"Nazir is waiting for me. It's getting late already."

"He can wait. We're still talking."

Afrah scrunched up her face in annoyance. "Talking about what exactly?"

"Talking about the attitude you've been giving me. I noticed it since this morning."

"At least you noticed," Afrah muttered under her breath. "I'm glad."

Jameel raised a brow questionably. "what was that?"

"Nothing. I need to go, please. I have kept Nazir waiting for too long."

"JaFrah," Jameel's voice softened as he took her hand in his; his gaze boring into her ice-cold ones. "I don't know what I have done to annoy you but can you please just let it go since you don't want to tell me what it is? Forgive me?" He wrapped his arms around her shoulders sideways. "Hmm?" He kissed her temple. "My heart can't take it when you're like this. I can't see you like this."

Tears brimmed up in Afrah's eyes. She shook her head in an attempt to fight it back. "I'm sorry too. I was overthinking and-"

"Shhhh," Jameel tightened his grip around her body. "it's fine now. You don't have to explain anything. I understand you more than you know."

Afrah wiped the corners of her eyes and smiled. "Can I go now? Nazir is still waiting for me."

Jameel released her from his hold and nodded. "I will just change and be with you in a few minutes."


"Nazir just called. He has reached home." Afrah informed Jameel and Jinan. They were both sitting in the living room and having a conversation before she walked in.

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