53: A New Dawn

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As the nurse gently placed the tiny bundle in Jameel's arms, he felt an overwhelming surge of emotions. His eyes brimmed with tears that blurred his vision but despite that, he couldn't bring himself to tear his gaze away from the precious little life before him.

Time seemed to stand still as he took in every delicate feature of the baby. At that moment, nothing else mattered to him than his newborn. He marveled at how soft the skin was, how tiny the legs and how the tiny fingers curled into miniature fists. 

A rush of love washed over him, filling every fiber of his being. He had never felt that type of sensation in all the years he had lived. It seemed so surreal. He still couldn't believe the baby he was holding in his hands was his. His and Afrah's. It hadn't even been a minute but he already felt a deep connection with the baby—a connection that transcended words. There and then, he took it upon himself to cherish and protect the little life with everything he was worth.

Jameel's heart swelled with joy and anticipation for the future as he realized his life was never going to be the same anymore. This tiny being had forever changed his life by making him a father, a shield, and another source of love that surpassed limitations and boundaries.

As he held his newborn close, he whispered the adhaan into his tiny ear and planted a kiss on his forehead.

"I have to take the baby for checkups now." The nurse informed, breaking Jameel from his reverie.

Jameel's heart skipped as his fatherly instincts kicked in. "Why? Is there a problem?"

The nurse smiled and shook his head. "It's a process that has to be done to ensure the baby is in perfect health."

Jameel let out a sigh of relief.

Giving the baby to the nurse saddened him but he knew he had to. He had not gotten enough of his baby just yet

"Can I see my wife now?" Jameel inquired. Although the doctor had informed him that she was okay and had fallen asleep immediately after she gave birth, Jameel's mind was still not at rest. He just wanted to see her for himself and make sure she was indeed fine. He was going out of his mind thinking about her condition. What he wanted more than anything else at that moment was to hold her in his arms and shower her with many kisses for giving him the greatest gift ever—the gift of fatherhood.

"Yes, you can, but she's still asleep."

"Thank you so much."

"You're welcome," the nurse replied.

Jameel watched as she walked away with his bundle of joy. His consolation was that he would soon take his family home with him and have all the time he wanted with them.

Pushing open the door and walking into the room, Jameel's eyes welled up with fresh tears as his gaze fell upon his wife, who had just brought their precious baby into life. She was sleeping so peacefully that he walked carefully to her bed to avoid making any sort of noise that would disrupt her sleep. Her screams as she pushed their baby out were still fresh in his memory still nauseating him. He could only imagine how tired and weak she was. He wanted her to get as much rest as possible.

Gently, he held her hand and kissed it; his voice trembling as he whispered; "Thank you, my Afrah."

As he continued to watch her sleep, he felt an overwhelming surge of love wash over him. He was reminded of the depth of his affection for her, and he couldn't help but smile at the thought. He realized that his love for her had deepened in ways he never thought possible. Afrah had given him everything he wanted in life and in return, he wanted to give her everything she wanted in life.

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