Chapter 1

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3rd Person POV

On a cold fall night, a car can be seen driving down a forest road with walls of trees on either side. The nearest town was miles behind the vehicle leaving it to push forward into the darkness alone. The car began to slow down as it approached a clearing. Once the vehicle stopped a woman who seemed quite distressed got out and looked around.

Woman: This should be a good spot.

She said as she walked back to the car. Her footsteps echoed loudly as the only other sound that could be heard was rushing water from the river a few yards away. The woman opened the back door of the vehicle and pulled out a car seat with a sleeping baby boy inside. The movement woke the child up and he began to cry.

Baby: *Crying*

Woman: Shut up! Why won't you shut up?!

The woman was getting very frustrated and started to cry herself.

Woman: I can't do this anymore! Why did you even have to be born?!

Baby: *Crying*

She walked over to the river bank and knelt down. She took the child out of the seat and held him over the water.

Baby: *Crying*

Woman: What's the matter with you?! Just stop crying, you little bastard!

The child continued to cry so the woman put the child under the water.


Hearing that the woman panicked and pulled the child out of the water.

Baby: *Crying*

Woman: Be quiet or I will put you back in the water.

The child stopped crying for the moment as the woman looked around to see what made that noise. If someone caught her doing this she would definitely be arrested. It was hard for her to see anyone in the dark tree line.

Woman: Hello, is someone out there?

There was no reply so the woman turned back and was about to put the child back in the water.


This time when the woman turned around she saw a wolf stepping into the clearing.

Woman: Oh no

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Woman: Oh no.

The wolf was not happy to see people in its territory. The wolf took a few steps closer while growling.

Woman: Please don't hurt me. If you're hungry you can eat this.

She said as she put her son down in front of her who had started crying again.

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