Chapter 5

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I hope you all enjoy be sure to like and comment because it helps and I enjoy reading them. Funny enough this chapter wasn't even supposed to happen. What will be Chapter 6 was originally going to be Chapter 5, but there was a line in there that I wrote that made me decide to write this first.

Cleo's POV

Cleo: *Hushed* Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky

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Cleo: *Hushed* Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are.

I saw the kids closing their eyes, so I shut off the light in their room and made sure the baby monitor was on before closing the door.

Cleo: *Hushed* Goodnight my angels. I love you.

I looked at the clock seeing as it was almost seven O'clock and the sun was almost completely set. I was so happy we were finally in the middle of spring and can leave all the bad stuff winter brought with it in the past. Jade has been doing much better since she's been on her medication. I walked into our bedroom and noticed Jade wasn't in there.

Cleo: Sweetie, where are you?

I looked around the house checking the nursery, basement, bathrooms, and the second floor. I poked my head out the front door and saw the cars were still there and that the sun had completely set. I looked up into the sky and noticed a full moon.

Cleo: Oh no.

I ran back through the house to the back door into the backyard. When I made it out there I saw Jade standing like a statue on the porch staring up at the full moon.

 When I made it out there I saw Jade standing like a statue on the porch staring up at the full moon

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I approached her and she didn't even notice me. It was like she was in a trance.

Cleo: Sweetie, are you ok?

I said, shaking her a little. She snapped out of it and turned to me.

Jade: I'm sorry, what?

Cleo: I asked if you were ok because you were out here staring at the moon. I haven't seen you like this since we were teenagers.

Jade: Yeah, the doctor said that my medication will make me more susceptible to the effects of the full moon. I've been taking sleeping pills for the last few full moons.

Cleo: Did you take some tonight?

Jade: No, I ran out. Plus the moonlight feels nice on my skin.

Cleo: You do look beautiful in the moonlight?

A smile appeared on her face along with a blush.

Jade: You're just saying that.

Cleo: I am not.

I took her hand in mine and used my other hand to make her look at me.

Cleo: You are the most beautiful woman in the world.

Her blush grew larger as she took a moment before leaning in for a kiss. I closed my eyes and leaned in. Our lips met and I felt a wave of love spread throughout my body. Our bodies moved closer together and now both our hands came together. When our kiss broke we pulled each other into a warm embrace.

Jade: I love you so much.

Cleo: I love you too.

We didn't separate, we just held each other.

Jade: Would you like to dance?

Cleo: Sure.

She pressed a button on her phone and slow jazz music came on over the speakers out here. We slow danced like we did on our wedding night. It's small moments like this that make a relationship special. We danced for what felt like hours and I was starting to get sleepy.

Cleo: *yawn*

Jade: You tired, love?

Cleo: I'm sorry, darling. A little bit.

Jade: Don't apologize, my dear. It was an amazing night.

Cleo: Will you be joining me?

Jade: I don't think so. Spending all this time I could use a good transformation before going to bed.

Cleo: Alright, I'll leave you to it.

Jade: Goodnight.

I went back inside and made it to my bedroom. I got in bed and closed my eyes.


I smiled at the sound of my wife howling knowing that she was going to have a good night of being a wolf in the woods.


I woke up to the warm sun on my skin from the window. When I opened my eyes I saw that Jade never came to bed. She was probably still out or passed out on the couch so she wouldn't wake me up. I decided to go check on the kids and when I opened the door I saw Jade still in wolf form in (y/n)'s crib curled around him.

Both of them were still sleeping peacefully

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Both of them were still sleeping peacefully. I closed the door and decided to get breakfast started since I'm sure they'll all be hungry when they wake up.

To be continued...
I hope you all enjoy be sure to like and comment because it helps and I enjoy reading them. I know it's short, but it's still good I think.

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