Subject: Celci

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Date: 9/24
Time: 8:01 PM
Dr. Beck Remediis
Lead Medic of Invincible II

SUBJECT(S): Celcionna "Celci" F. Kelvina

SECTION: Cryo-Stasis


This afternoon Celci came into the Med-Bay. That was more of a surprise than Mack from a few days ago; since when does Celci need medical attention? Like Mack she usually gets very minor injuries during her work but nothing that requires me to take a look at it.

She arrived while I was looking at Carlos again. For once he listened to me and decided to stay in the infirmary until he was recovered. Or at least more recovered. In the middle of asking about how his injuries were doing we heard a knock at the door and when I looked up Celci was walking in. She apologized, not knowing that I was busy, and said that she could wait. I only took a few more minutes to catch up with Carlos and adjust his treatment before I walked out to the waiting area.

Celci stood when I came into view and she got right into the reason she was there: she'd cut her hand. While it was a large cut, she had it covered and put pressure on it, and it was across the back of her hand. It wouldn't put her in the infirmary while she recovered. I put aside my surprise and led her over to the sink. The first-aid kit was next to the faucet. As always I asked what had happened.

"I wasn't paying attention as we were repairing one of the broken cryo-stasis pods. My hand slipped and scrapped up against the glass."

Okay, that's weird. Another attentive crew member who wasn't paying attention to what they were doing? That isn't normal, not for them.

"Hmm. Alright." I turned the water on and made sure it was the right temperature before I instructed her to wash her hands. "Out of curiosity, is there anything on your mind?"

She finished washing her hands and looked at me with a cautious expression. Like she wasn't sure whether or not to tell me something. As I rinsed the wound off and cleaned the surrounding skin she seemed to make up her mind.

"There are these dreams, lately...."

Those dreams again. So Mack isn't the only person having them. I wonder if any other crew members are having them, and if they are, what does that mean?

"Um, you probably don't want to hear about them, you're a medic after all. After this I'll just—"

"Celci, if there's something distracting you so much, to the point that it causes physical injury, then I want to hear about it. Your mental health is important too," I told her. At that point I applied the antibiotic and began to wrap up her hand.

She bit her lip and once again looked cautious. Then, once I finished bandaging her hand, she sat and began to talk about the dreams she's had. Just like Mack's dreams, she said they feel realistic. And there's a sense of familiarity to them even though she knows they've never happened.

Once again, I learn that they are recurring dreams. And these dreams always take place on the Invincible II and involve the Captain. One dream follows her being called into fix cryo, but she turns into Ms. Whitacre instead. In the dream she remembers the most, she's merged herself with the Cryo station and sees the Captain enter the room. She tells them of her plan to keep the crew and colonists safe, and that sometimes it's better for things to end. The Captain gets into the Cryo-Stasis Pod and Celci freezes the ship.

Years, decades, maybe even centuries later, a stranger comes aboard the Invincible II. It's since fallen out of space and onto a planet. The stranger is a man, and from what Celci can tell, he looks and sounds like... Mark? Our Head Engineer. And the Mark lookalike is dressed in what appears to be an explorer's outfit. He approaches the Captain's cryo-stasis pod and opens it. She can't make out what he says but she can see him close the door after a couple of minutes and leaves the ship.

Celci finished up her story. I didn't say anything as I continued to process what she said: there was a Mark lookalike on the Invincible II? Weird. But these were dreams, so maybe I was looking too much into it.

I could tell she was eager to get out of the Med-Bay, so I thanked for being honest and told her to come back later so I could change the bandage. And to watch for any signs of infection. She nodded and turned to leaved but I stopped her before she could reach the door. I said she could come to me if she had another one of those dreams, especially if they affect her work. She nodded, then left.

I'm definitely going to need to keep an eye on her and Mack.


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