1K (Sparking/ Surge) Busy Shu Kurenai x Innocent Reader

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Requested: shukurnai1819

Thanks for the request and I'm very sorry that I made you wait for so long. Hope you like it.

Type of this story:
(🙃 + 🍋 + ❤)


(No POV)

"Hey, Shu~ Can we hang out right now?" The innocent girl asked at her boyfriend with her puppy eyes. The red eyed male sighed heavily.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N). I can't, there are many works that I had to do. Maybe next time, ok." He gave her a patted head and continued do his works.

A (h/c) haired female pouted at him and sighed disappointment as she went out from his office.

You see, (Y/N) (L/N) is an innocent girl in anime and being oblivious sometimes.

She's liked to befriend with her friends from team beyclub and her closest friends are Valt and Honcho.

(Y/N) and her boyfriend, Shu Kurenai, were childhood friends since Shu's parents left him and went to their work.

The albino male was lucky that his childhood friend had a company and not feel so lonely. Eventhough she was an innocent.

For the beyclub, Shu sometimes closed her ears after that blonde rich male swearing when he losed on the battle. (A/N: Including Valt also because he's innocent too.)

Until now, Shu became the owner and had his own students named Fubuki and Lane.

After the tournament, he got very busy than before. (Y/N) thought she could hangout with him whenever she was boring.

Shu just gave her an excuse that he was busy for a weeks. It makes the (h/c) haired female felt disappointed, but she didn't care at all.

She sometimes waited for him to finish his work and got hangout again. Shu didn't mind it that his girlfriend helped her.
At (Y/N)'s room

(Your POV)

*sighed* I don't know what to do, but Shu seems got very busy after the tournament.

I kinda feel so lonely and quite. He never stop working and just continue till finish.

Yesterday, I saw a girl with (r/h/c) haired and (r/e/c) eyes was talking with Shu at the office.

My heart's feels ache to see she enjoyed to talk with him. I didn't care, but my chest feels hurt.

"Hope he didn't cheat on me. I better get some sleep and training tomorrow." I thought of myself as I fell asleep.
The next day

After I training for 50th times, I was about to go to the office until......

"Hey, you. Where're you going?" I glanced at that voice. It was a girl who I saw her last time.

"Just go to the office, why?" I asked and tilted my head. She smirked as she walked closer to me, leaned to my ear and whispers.

"Don't you ever get closer to my Shu, got that?" She warned in dark tone. I shivered. She lifted up, I stared at her confused.

💖 Shu Kurenai x Reader One-Shot 💖 (Book 2) Where stories live. Discover now