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the vampires came back after an hour or two, changbin lost count and beomgyu was getting relentless with how long they're gone. when their figures popped out of the woods, beomgyu immediately ran down towards them, the vampires thought they will be cuffed immediately but what beomgyu did stunned them.

the wolf immediately hugged seungmin. the four completely froze and looked almost in disbelief to the shifter, not the reaction they were anticipating but much better than they were expecting.

"i'm glad you're back. i thought you guys left us." the shifter pouted and fake cries after pulling away from the brown haired shifter.

"you stink, by the way, but anyways, hello to you too, and we wouldn't do that. we are still true to our word, not what you're expecting but we still value honesty and promises." seungmin patted the shifter and continued walking with grace, the three vampires trailing behind him and beomgyu.

the said shifter didn't even bothered moving away even when seungmin pointed out his scent at him. he wanted to scent the vampire so he would know where the other is if ever ... if ever they decided to run away.

"beomgyu ... you really stink. have some mercy on our nostrils." felix pleaded but the shifter only stuck out his tongue in annoying the royalty.

"you didn't complain about that last night when you hugged changbin hyung though." chan was first to laugh with the sassy remark of the shifter.

"yah beomgyu, don't bother them." changbin came walking closer, smiling widely in both happiness with seeing felix again and relief by their presence again.

"i don't hear any comments again here. hmm, sussy." beomgyu eyed the blonde vampire who only chuckled at him before pinching the shifter's cheeks.

"that's because last night was too cold for our senses to pick up your strong scent." chan smiled back at changbin before making eye contact with the alpha, who gestured for him to come forward and have a talk.

chan immediately nodded and parted ways with the other vampires. both jisung and seungmin are quiet and not making any eye contact with the other shifters aside from beomgyu.

"alpha." chan bowed. the two older males of the two kinds stepped further away from the crowd, knowing they will still be heard with their kinds' enhanced senses.

"chan." minho nodded his head before eyeing hyunjin who's silently looking at them from his place beside yeonjun.

"hyunjin wish to speak with seungmin privately." chan's face immediately hardened as he also looked back at hyunjin who was anxiously pulling his hoodie down.

"can you assure us that he won't harm our knight in any ways? he sure looks angry with our kind, i don't blame him for his experience but i definitely will not let it pass if he ever harm our seungmin." the orange haired lifted his chin, trying to read the alpha's eyes with such ease.

"i can assure you wholeheartedly. i trust hyunjin as i trust my wolf, he might bark all of the time but our knight ... my knight, is a kind man. the world and fate hasn't been nice to him but he's better than he acts to." with that, chan softly smiled.

"i trust seungmin as i trust my eyes, minho. those two have something in common, i'm pretty sure they'll work it out." he sighed and patted the alpha.

"alright, mate. let me talk to seungmin real quick." he gave minho a last glance before stepping away, closing the distance with the vampires again.

"seungmin ..." the brown haired immediately lifted his eyes from the ground. the other two vampires immediately pulled both beomgyu and changbin, even complaining about their stink, but none really were offended by it.

"hyunjin wants to talk with you privately." seungmin nodded, nibbling his bottom lip as he faces the shifter's direction. he jerked his head to the side, signalling for the shifter to follow him behind.

the said shifter did just so, trailing behind without a word or a sound. the other shifters and vampires watched them in silence as they disappear into the woods.

"you wanted to talk to me?" seungmin was the first one to break the awkward silence between them. they sat in one of the chopped up tree logs somewhere in the center of the woods.

seungmin can still smell the faint smell of saffron from jisung, the tiny speckled, glittery, golden ray of sunflower scent from felix, and the bittersweet beer scent that lingers in his tongue from chan.

"with you." hyunjin corrected as he shifted his weight from one hand to the other. seungmin took a brief glance at him before sighing.

"what is it then?"

"i wanna apologize for my actions earlier. i haven't thought first before acting up to my emotions so i am deeply sorry." seungmin blinked a few times before turning his head to hyunjin who's already staring at him anxiously.

"i-i know i fucked up, i acted like an asshole the first time we met and then treated you poorly for the past days together."

"i can't change what i did but i'll do better from now on. i can accept it if you can't forgive me-"

"i forgive you." hyunjin was cut off with seungmin's dandy voice. the shifter immediately clutched his hand in his chest, feeling it rapidly beating with the simple words from the vampire.

"do you feel it too?" seungmin's eyes widened as the realization dawned at him. it wasn't his hallucinations, it was there all along.

"always." hyunjin answered. always when i'm with you. the message hung drifting in the tension between them.

"i'm sorry." seungmin whispered but the shifter heard it loud and clear, but before he could speak up, seungmin surged forward and their lips touched.

the feather like touch of their lips felt like a thousand zaps of electricity in their bodies. the way seungmin held tightly on the red haired's bicep made the shifter gasp into the kiss. it was just a touch, lips close to the other, not one of them dared to move but none also dared to move away from each other's warmth.

seungmin was the first to move a few centimeters away from hyunjin's lips, their face is still close and they can feel each other's breathing against their skin. the goosebumps that hyunjin felt are extremely noticeable up close like this.

"let's start again, yeah?" seungmin's eyes flicked up to the shifter's eyes and back to the lips. he unconsciously licked his own lips while staring at the other.

"you're so pretty." hyunjin's words were stuck in his throat and he couldn't help the little hitch on his breathing when seungmin complimented him.

"you don't need to talk about what happened to you but truthfully? i can understand you, don't feel pressured about anything. i won't hurt you, I won't let anyone hurt you again."

this time, hyunjin was the one to surge forward and connects their lips. he angled his head to the side so he could slot their lips completely, so perfectly, just like they were made for each other.

the shifter found purchase of seungmin's shirt and pulled him impossibly closer and their lips are moving already in sync, like they have been doing it for a long time.

there's no hesitancy, no awkwardness, no hate, no anger ... just pure honesty, fondness, adoration.

what could possibly be the reason behind the sudden intimate feelings they have attained in such a short amount of time?

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