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as the mages laughed in arrogance, reveling in their perceived victory, jisung remained eerily calm despite the overwhelming odds stacked against him. his eyes, once again reflecting the depths of darkness, opened slowly, revealing a shimmering glow of a dull golden hue on his orbs and a clouded blue mist that swirled around him.

the dead army of creatures charged forward, their lifeless eyes fixated on jisung. yet, with a mere flick of his wrist, jisung unleashed his psionic power, and the entire army froze in their tracks, suspended in mid-air. his abilities were beyond comprehension, and even the mages stared in shock.

the psionic power rippled through the dark energy rope that bound jisung, and it shattered like glass, releasing him from the mages' control. he stood tall, surrounded by the frozen army, his eyes ablaze with determination.

"you underestimated him," jisung said with an eerie voice that resonated with power.

with another flick of his wrist, the psionic energy propelled the frozen army back towards the mages, who struggled to contain the onslaught. one by one, the creatures disintegrated into nothingness, leaving only the mages standing in disbelief.

"your dark magic is nothing compared to what he can do," jisung declared, his voice echoing with authority.

everyone was frozen on their place, mouths hung agape as they watched the scene unfold in front of them.

what. the. fuck.

everyone's mind are in frenzy as breathing became a difficult task as they look at jisung's aura. the psionic power surrounding him was brighter than the morning sun shining above them.

"jisung-ah! no! this is not who you are-" seungmin was cut off immediately when the said vampire looked at him, eyes wide and still ablaze with the same dark abyssal orbs.

the blue haired's grin became bigger and bigger as seungmin struggled onto the restraints by the mages still behind their protective barrier.

"you're right." jisung spoke, eerie and frightening, as he stepped forwards to kneel in front of seungmin.

the brown haired vampire groaned in frustration as the rope only tightens even more, eyes finding jisung and they stare at each other. seungmin was breathing heavily while jisung seems like he doesn't even breathe, just lifelessly looking back at his friend with no emotion.

"and i'm not jisung." the blue haired whispered. the hair on the skins of everyone stood up as their skin crawled in fear at the person in front of them.

chan, gritted his teeth, heaving loudly as he manages to fall backwards and used his elemental power to bring him close to seungmin and jisung. he grunted and pulled himself up before the rope tightens again.

"jackson." chan blurted out.

the wolves all gasps in unison after hearing the name. it was an ancient name, very ... very ... very ancient name. even though creatures of all kinds coexist, angels and demons are still rare to be found on earth nor was it to have a demon possess a vampire.

"mhm sweet, channie remembers me." jisung said- or jackson rather, smiling softly at the other vampire. his smile is not eerie, it shows appreciation and fondness as he looked at chan.

"but .. sorry channie, jisung asked for me, specifically asked for my help." the blue haired faux pouted at him before standing up and facing the mages, craning his neck sideways.

"too bad, he can't still embrace who he is. i had to save him once again." jisung gritted out, sighing heavily afterwards.

"how-! that can't be, jisung is too weak to be possessed by the demon lord!" one of the mages shouted, all of them on defense as the blue haired stepped forward again.

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