Author's Note

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Hey everyone!

I'm so happy to share some exciting news with you all! "The Mate He Never Wanted and "The Mate He Always Wanted" are now on Radish! The first 9 chapters are available on Wattpad, but to continue reading you will have to download the Radish Fiction app where you can wait for new chapters to unlock for free, or purchase coins to read immediately! The stories will both be available under the title "The Mate He Never Wanted" as seasons 1 & 2. This is an amazing opportunity to help me grow as a writer, and it wouldn't have happened without each and every one of you. To show my thanks, I wanted to give everyone 2 coupons to read more episodes for free on the Radish Fiction app. The link is published on my profile if you wish to continue reading on Radish!

Thank you all again!

The Mate He Never WantedWhere stories live. Discover now