Episode 6

811 20 0

August 30, 2016

There was something hard under me. I opened my eyes and squinted at the bright light, but then realized that I was laying on a chest. My mates chest.

A small smile took over my face as I closed my eyes and snuggled deeper, a satisfied hum coming from him. "Good morning," he said quietly, and the grogginess in his voice made my wolf and I both go crazy.

"Morning," I sighed, letting the smile slip into my face as I propped my chin up on his chest to look at him.

"How did you sleep?" He asked, opening his eyes to look down at me.

"Good. What about you?" I asked, falling in love with the smile on his face.

"Amazing," he smiled, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me even closer to him. The smile on his face turned to a look of confusion and worry. "I smell blood." I looked at him weirdly before realizing that I was supposed to get my period today. A blush rose on my cheeks as I excused myself and hurried into the bathroom.

Sure enough, there was a small period stain on my underwear, so I quickly changed it and put a tampon in before washing my hands and leaving. "Sorry about that," I said awkwardly. I was extremely embarrassed about the past five minutes so I sat down on the bed, my back to my mate.

"Josie, it's okay. I know it's embarrassing and awkward but it's normal, right?" Jayden asked, sitting up and pulling me into his lap.

"Well, yeah, but it was a little embarrassing that I got it with you here," I said, my face only getting brighter.

"It's fine," he said, laying back down with me curled into his side. We stayed like that for a couple minutes before my alarm went off and I had to start getting ready for school.

"I should get going," Jayden said, getting us both off the bed. We walked over to the window where he tightly wrapped his arms around me. "I'll pick you up after school and we'll go get ice cream if you want," he whispered, resting his forehead against mine.

"Okay," I whispered back with a smile. He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine for a short kiss. I soft sigh left my lips as I said bye and watched him jump out my window and shift into his pitch black wolf, taking a seat on the bench and watching him run.

I walked downstairs and grabbed the waffles out of the freezer, popping four in our toaster and getting the syrup and whip cream out. "Morning!" Kylie chirped, helping herself to a glass of water and sitting down at the island.

"Morning. What do you want on your waffle?" I asked, getting two out and setting them on a plate.

"Are there any strawberries?" She asked. I checked the fridge and there were, so I got them out and set them next to her, along with a knife.

Kyle, what do you want on your waffle? I mind linked my brother.

Syrup, I'll be down in a sec, he replied, and I popped two more waffles in before preparing his. I grabbed the apple juice and poured myself a cup, waiting for my waffles to be done.

Kyle came down and downed his waffles quickly, Kylie edging away from him jokingly. I put the whip cream on my waffle and stole some strawberries from the carton and topped my waffles with them.

We all ate breakfast in silence, Kyle making two more waffles for himself and still being done before Kylie and I. "We're leaving at eight fifteen," I told them before heading upstairs.

Going into the bathroom I brushed my teeth, put my hair up in a cute messy bun, and did my makeup naturally. I chose to wear a pair of black capri leggings and a t-shirt, throwing on my white converse. I checked my phone and I had fifteen minutes to spare, so I scrolled through Instagram.

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