Episode 9

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September 4, 2016

My mom had made her homemade waffles for breakfast, and if they aren't what heaven tastes like then I don't want to go there. "Did you girls have fun last night?" My mom asked, filling my plate with a refill.

"Yeah. We stayed up watching Disney movies most of the night," I laughed.

"Yeah, then she snuck off to Jayden's room," Meghan snickered.

"Meghan!" I yelled, throwing a waffle at her. It landed on the floor, sitting there all lonely with nothing on it. I turned to look at my mom who was smirking at me with an eyebrow raised. "I couldn't sleep," I said defensively.

"I'm sure," my mom said. "I remember the phase after your father marked me. We were inseparable," she said, her eyes lighting up and a huge smile taking over her face. I loved how in love my parents were, even just talking about one another could make them that happy.

I picked up my glass of juice and started taking a sip before my mom blurted out, "What would you think of us having another kid." I slammed the plastic cup down and spit out the juice that was currently in my mouth.

"What!" I gasped, not even thinking about the mess I made.

"Your father and I have been talking about having another kid," my mom smiled, looking down and playing with her wedding ring.

I looked over at Meghan who was looking between me and my mom, something between a smile and a smirk planted firmly on her lips. "Are you pregnant?" I asked, turning back to her.

A mischievous smile appeared on my mom's face. "Maybe."

"Mom!" I yelled, a huge smile overtaking my face.

"Yes, I am okay. I haven't even told your father yet, but we have been talking about having another kid but I didn't know how you guys would feel about it," she said.

"Well I'm happy for you! Congrats mom!" I smiled, hopping off my stool and walking around the island to give my mom a hug.

"Congrats!" Meghan said excitedly, stealing a waffle.

"How far along are you?" I asked as I walked back to my spot.

"Three weeks and five days. My due date is the middle of November," she revealed.

"Do you want it to be a boy or a girl?" Meghan asked.

"I'm sure Kyle will want one of them to be a boy but I honestly don't care. As long as it's a healthy baby I'm fine with whatever," she said, a soft smile on her face.

"When are you going to tell dad?" I asked.

"Tell me what?" My dad asked, walking into the kitchen. He wrapped an arm around my mom's back and kissed her temple before looking at me.

"It's mom's secret, not mine," I said, holding my hands up in mock surrender. A smirk appeared on my face that I couldn't hold back, so I just let it taunt my dad.

"Tell me what Sophia?" My dad asked, looking at my mom as he wrapped his other arm around her.

"That you're going to have six kids," she smiled, looking anywhere but my dad as a playful smile sat on her lips.

"What!" Meghan and I both yelled. My dad looked down at my mom, his eyes full of love as he stared at her.

"Really?" He whispered. My mom nodded, looking up so my dad could rest his forehead on hers.

I looked at Meghan and mouthed let's go to her and she nodded. We slipped out of the room right as my dad planted his lips on my moms. As much as I said I loved how in love my parents were, I didn't want to watch them create another baby.

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