Episode 3

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August 28, 2016

I gently pulled my head away, looking up at him, knowing my eyes were tear stained. "I wish I had never made you cry," he said, his gray eyes heartbroken as he wiped away the last of my tears.

"It's okay," I smiled.

"No it's not. I hurt my mate and that's not okay. I'm so sorry, I wish that I had never hurt you..."

I cut him off. "Jayden, it's okay. It's done and over with. Just shut up and kiss me already," I smiled, and I knew he didn't need to be told twice. He gently pressed his lips to mine, and I melted into the kiss.

This was my first kiss and it was everything I could have ever dreamed of. It was full of passion and want and it was amazing.

I pulled away when I needed air but kept my arms around his neck. "That was my first kiss," I admitted.

"I'm glad I got to be your first kiss," he whispered, pressing his lips to mine once more for a quick peck. He wrapped my hand in his large one and we started slowly walking back, our arms swinging back and forth as we talked about each other.

"Let's go on a date tonight," Jayden said randomly out of the blue.

"Umm, okay, sure. That sounds like a lot of fun, actually!" I smiled, looking at him. "What should we do for our first date?"

"I'll pick you up at seven," he winked, and I realized that he already knew and it was going to be a surprise.

"Alright. How should I dress at least?"

"Wear a swimsuit."

"Okay. What do you want to do in the meantime?" I asked.

"You pick," he smiled, nudging me a little.

"I bet I could beat you at foosball," I challenged.

"Oh, you're so on," he grinned, pulling me onto his back and running back to the pack house and up to the game room.

Meghan was pacing the room and at the sight of us, she looked confused but had a grin on her face. "I have to talk to Meghan first," I told Jayden. I walked over to her and laughed at the sly smirk planted on her lips.

"Explain young lady."

"He apologized and said he wanted to give us a chance. I wanted to try so I guess we're okay now," I told her, and she nodded before marching up to him.

"If you dare hurt her again you better sleep with one eye open and always watch your back. I don't care who you are, alpha or not, that is my best friend and I will not let you hurt her again without some kind of revenge," she threatened.

"Meghan," Jayden warned.

"But I approve," she said in a chippery voice. "But remember that." And she walked away, leaving me in the game room with Jayden and some other teens.

"Now, let's see who really is the winner at this game," he smirked, and I walked over to the foosball table.

"You'll never beat me. I'm the king at this," I bragged, which wasn't like me.

"Loser has to buy the winner a tub of ice cream," I said.

"Ice cream's my favorite," he smirked.

"Mine too. Go," I said, and quickly began to focus on the game.


I opened the front door, looking at Jayden. He was wearing a pair of navy blue and white striped swim trunks, a tight white t-shirt, and a pair of sandals.

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