Episode 4

948 27 0

August 29, 2016

My phone went off, Live While We're Young by One Direction playing. I opened my eyes and reached over, swiping my thumb to stop it as a smile made its way onto my face. "Meghan wake up," I said loudly, shaking my best friend gently.

She opened one eye, looking up at me with a smirk on her face. "What's for breakfast?"

"My mom made pancakes for us," I said, and she opened both eyes and sat up quickly.

"Let's go," she said seriously, launching off the bed and taking me with her, both of us landing on the floor with a thud and a couple of swear words escaping our mouths.

"That was supposed to end differently," Meghan said, her voice pained as she rubbed her chin.

"I would hope so," I muttered, rubbing my elbow. "You okay?" I asked as she got up.

"Just bumped my chin, that's all. Come on," she said, reaching out her arm and helping me up. "Let's go get pancakes now," she said happily, a giddy smile making its way onto her face.

We ran down the stairs and almost fell on the floor again but luckily we survived and made it to the kitchen. "Morning girls," my mom said with a smile, handing us each a plate stacked with pancakes.

"Morning mom," I said, giving her a one armed hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Morning mom," Meghan said, making my mom let out a laugh.

"Eat your food so you can go get ready," she said, shooing us both over to the table where Kylie was already eating her pancakes. She was already dressed and her hair was sitting in perfect curls, her face bare of any makeup.

"Are you guys excited for today?" She asked as we started eating.

"No, it's school," Meghan laughed, taking a huge bite.

"I am. It's the first day of school, it's always the best," I smiled, taking a small bite compared to Meghan's.

"Actually it's the last day of school that's the best," she pointed out.

"Fine," I said, rolling my eyes. "The first day of school is the second best day of school," I said, laughing at the end. "Anyways, it's our last first day of school."

"You're right! For us at least. You still good a couple more," Meghan laughed, gesturing to Kylie.

We quickly finished our breakfast and both went back upstairs to get ready. "Did you shower last night?" I asked as I put on my outfit.

"Yeah, before you got home," Meghan said, pulling on hers. We went into my bathroom and I turned some music on, and we did our hair and makeup, both doing completely embarrassing dances with the music.

I finished applying my mascara and stepped back, admiring myself. "We look so good!" Meghan squealed, whipping out her phone as we took a few selfies.

"Come on, let's go," I laughed, wiping her saliva off my cheek as I pulled us out of the room. We almost fell down the stairs because we were laughing and acting stupid but we survived.

Kyle was sitting in the living room on his phone, and obviously Kylie was nowhere in sight. "Ready for the first day?" I asked, plopping down next to him.

"Yeah. I mean it's school so it's not exciting or anything, but I'm not a freshman this year and that's exciting," he said, his eyes staying glued to his phone.

"I think you're boyfriend's here," Meghan whispered loudly, looking out the window. I walked over and looked out and sure enough, Jayden was getting out of his car with a bouquet of flowers.

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