Episode 2

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August 27, 2016

"You should totally wear that gray shirt you got from Charlotte Russe on the first day of school," Meghan said as we carried all our bags inside.

"I know, but what about the white dress that I got at Forever 21? That's really cute too," I pointed out. "Ohh! With my light jean vest!"

"Oh my gosh, yes!" Meghan squealed. "And those ballet flats you got at Nordstrom Rack! Oh, you're going to look so cute!" She said excitedly.

"Now what about you?" I said with a smirk.

"I'm wearing that floral dress I got at Charlotte Russe with the wedges I got at Forever 21," she stated proudly.

"Oh, we're going to look so cute!" I squealed.

"I know," Meghan laughed. We reached my bedroom and we both dropped our stuff, and I started putting all of mine away.

"I can't believe we start school on Monday," she groaned, curling up on my couch.

"I know! It feels like we just started summer yesterday," I laughed.

"Well, we had a good summer. We finished everything on the bucket list for once," she laughed, looking at all the pictures strung around the room of her, Alyssa and I from this summer.

There were a couple from when we went bungee jumping, some from skydiving, and then there was the one the day that Alyssa moved. It was the three of us facing the camera, our eyes full of tears as we tried to look happy for the picture.

"I'm sleeping over tonight," Meghan declared.

"I know," I laughed. "Shoot!"


"I promised Anna I'd help her make cookies!" I said, already feeling terrible.

"I'm down for cookies. Let's go," Meghan said with a smile on her face, and I quickly followed her out the door and downstairs.

Anna was sitting on the kitchen counter eating some cookie dough, my mom putting cookies in the oven.

"How was your day, girls?" She asked, setting the timer and looking up at us.

"Good, we both got what we're going to wear on the first day of school," I told my mom, stealing a chunk of cookie dough and plopping it in my mouth. Meghan copied my actions, making herself right at home.

"Exciting," my mom said. "Can you please finish the cookies? Your dad and I have to attend a dinner tonight with the visiting packs," my mom said, taking off her apron and throwing it off to the side on another counter.

"Of course!" I smiled.

"Hey, as long as I get to eat cookies, I'm good with it," Meghan said, stealing a cookie from the plate. She took a bite and her face lit up. My mom laughed and walked out of the room.

"Do you like them?" Anna asked loudly, a huge smile on her face.

"They are so good," Meghan said in a childish voice.

"I made them!"

"You did!" Meghan said in a surprised voice, going along with Anna.

"Yeah! My mommy let me put in more chocolate chips than the recipe said because they're really good!" Anna said, and I immediately knew she was piped up on sugar.

"Good choice, chocolate makes everything better," Meghan smiled, grabbing the little girl and tickling her.

"Meghan stop!" Anna screamed, a loud laugh coming out after. Her giggles were loud and childish as she tried to push Meghan's hands away.

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