Chapter Six

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A/N: Trigger Warning, this chapter is full of torture .


Victoria's POV

I snapped my eyes open when I felt a hard slap across my face.

I am still in the cell from before, but now I'm in a kneeling position, my hands are chained to the hard cement floor with a very short chain that allows very limited movement between my hand and and the floor. The silver shackles dig deep into my wrist, making them turn an ugly shade of red.

I look up to see Max looking at me with an evil glint in his eyes. "You're awake, good." No, bad.

He walks towards the cart and picks up a bottle and pours it's purple contents in a bowl. He then picks up a whip and dips it I the bowl of liquid and brings it back out.

"This is a highly concentrated form of wolfsbane, and I want to see just how effective it is." He said looking so happy with what he said. As if torturing me is just a fun pastime for him.

I feel all the colors drain from my face. He wants to whip me with deadlier version of wolfsbane?! That shit is already deadly to werewolves without enhancement.

' Vicky, we have to try and talk some sense into him, that thing is going kill us with one strike.' Verna said. I can feel her panic because she's the one that's going to suffer more from that whip.

' I know that! But how the hell do you want us to talk sense into a psychotic monster!' I said

'We can try to use the mate bond-'

'Verna, he obviously doesn't care about us or the fact that we're his mate.'

' Would you shut up and let me finish! The mate bond connects us to him and any pain we feel, he will feel it too. It's worth a try.'

Okay, that actually makes sense. Even though he doesn't give a fuck about us, he won't want to hurt himself.

"But you can't do that Max." I try to reason with him.

He huffs and just looks down on me. "And why should I not? You refused me of your body and you serve no use to me apart from that."

Not gonna lie, that hurt. No matter how many times he says it, it is still going to hurt that he sees me as nothing more than a toy for his entertainment.

"I'm your mate and you can't hurt me because you will feel my pain through the mate bond. Also, your wolf won't allow you to kill your mate."

Please let it work, please let it work, please let it work.. I chant to myself.

He just stared at me and laughed. "Don't you think I've already thought about that. I drank a potion that I forced a witch nearby to make while you were sedated, so now the mate bond is nil and void on my end, but you on the other hand still feel it's pathetic effects." He walks towards me, twirling the whip in his gloved hand. " As for my wolf, that mutt won't be interrupting these experiments, so don't hang your hope on him."

Verna whimpers in my head. ' That's why I couldn't connect with his wolf, this psycho has chained him deep within his mind.'

"Oh, and don't worry, you won't die. The sedative I injected you with earlier is mixed with a substance that won't let you die or pass out from the pain, but will still let you feel all of the pain."

IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MAKE ME FEEL ANY BETTER YOU MONSTER?!! I felt like screaming at him, but I didn't have the energy to do so.

By now he had already walked behind me and is out of my line of vision. "Let the fun begin." Without warning I heard the sound of the whip cracking.

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