Chapter Sixteen

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Victoria's POV

One week.

That's how long it has been since I died. And it has been a few days since I gave Max a chance to ask for forgiveness.

Honestly, the only reason I gave that idiot a chance was because of his mother, Sally. Despite the cruelty that he showed his parents, Sally still loved him enough to give him one last chance to live. I really admire the unconditional love that mother's have for their children and not everyone gets to experience the love of having a mom as some people's mother's die during childbirth or other circumstances.

Max is an arrogant, blundering fool for throwing such a wonderful thing away. He had the perfect loving parents who did their best to raise him and provided everything for him, but the ungrateful bastard killed them in cold blood.

"I hate him so much more now." Verna growled out. She is just as angry as I am.

"I know. At first, I felt a little guilty for what we were going to do. Now, I have no doubts at all. Some people will never change. They need to be delt the treatment they showed to others." I told her honestly. We are both currently standing in front of the house of the person who drove us to our grave, Shawn, who I discovered is the Gamma of this pack.

Verna snorted, which sounded really weird considering she is a wolf. "Don't feel guilty. The few good people of this pack deserve to be free from the abuse they receive from terrible people like Max, Maria, their Beta, and others."

For the past few days, we have been observing the activities of the pack and we discovered that Max isn't the only asshole in this place at all.

The treatment of common folk here is terrible. The regular members of the pack are made to do back breaking work, and the money they receive is practically crap. They are basically slaves to the higher ups.

We also found out that their Beta, Ryan, has been embezzling money from the pack for the past 5 years.

And the Beta is pretty handsome, too. Why are the cute people the worst ones?

Verna even saw one woman kidnapping three kids and selling their souls to a nearby witch that deals with black magic in exchange for money. And it just so happened that one of those children was Shawn's only son and child. His mate was murdered a few years ago and that boy was the only memory he had left of her, and now he's gone.

That's why we're out here in front of his house. We want him to help us to bring down the evil members of this pack, and kill Max and Maria of course.

"But are you sure he will be willing to help us Verna?"

"Vicky, his wife, child and extended family members were victims of these people's cruelty. I'm sure he will be more than willing to help us." She tried to reassure me. I huffed.

"Easy for you to say. You're not the one who is actually going to confront him."

"Oh hush." I gasped. The nerve of this wolf.

"Hey, I'm the idea guy, you're supposed to be the one to confront him since I came up with the plan." I tried to argue.

"Yeah, well i can't do it. What do you think will be his reaction to seeing a large brown wolf in his dream? He'll probably think he's in a nightmare and won't listen to me. You on the other hand have a very nice and calming aura and he'll definitely listen to you."

"Okay, I guess I'll just have to go in there and do the hardest part of this plan while you just chill out here in the comfort of the trees." I say sarcastically

"Yeah, that's the point. Now get your pretty ass moving, would ya?" She says while nudging me towards his house.

"Asshole." She chuckled at my reply and I move towards his house and walk through the wall.

That will never be uncool.

I am moving towards the stairs when I notice something moving in the corner of my eyes. I nearly jump two feet in the air when I see a slightly translucent orange cat with round green eyes looking at me.

"Who the hell are you?" The cat asks me. Wait, what?!

"What the... Did you.. how... Cats don't talk!"

"I'm a ghost like you, that's why you can hear me." Okay, that makes a little sense.

"If you don't mind me asking, who was your owner and how did you die?"

"No, I don't mind. My name is Whiskers and my owner was Shawn's mate. I died of old age a few years before she was murdered. I'm an animal so I can go and come back from the afterlife as I please, so sometimes I come to Earth to check up on Shawn and then go back to Heaven and tell his mate how he's been." He sits on his hind legs and licks his front paw and then continues, "I've told you my story, now you tell me yours and why you are in the Gamma's house."

"I was murdered by the alpha of this pack and Maria, and I came here to ask Shawn to help me avenge my death."

"Oh, you want to get back at Max and Maria? Then by all means, please go ahead. Those two imbeciles stepped on my tail one too many times when I was alive. It would be nice to watch them suffer." I laughed at him and shook my head.

"Thanks. Oh, and maybe next time you come to the afterlife to visit your owner, maybe you can come and see me. I'd like to see you again."

"Of course. I'd do anything for the person that puts those savages in their place. Goodbye for now." He says and walks away.

"Bye." I reply as I continue my journey up the stairs. I walk through the door of his room and walk up to his peacefully sleeping form on his bed.

And may I say that he is a loud sleeper.

Oh God, I feel like such a stalker now.

I should probably get into his dream before this gets any weirder. I cringed. That sounded even worse.

I watched him lay on his bed, staring longingly at the other side of it which was empty. That must have been the side his late mate kept in the most.

I stood there and waited patiently for him to fall asleep before moving closer to his bedside. I put my hand over his head so that I will be able to communicate with him in his dream the same way I did with Max the other day.

I hope this works.


A/N: Victoria's POV is back!

What do you think will happen next?
Do you think Shawn will agree to help them?
What do you think about Whiskers?

Questions of the chapter

{1} Cats or dogs?

{2} Doja Cat or Megan Thee Stallion?

{3} Justin Bieber or Shawn Mendes?

My answers

{1} I prefer dogs.
{2} Doja Cat.
{3} Justin Bieber. Duh


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