Chapter Fifteen

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Narrator's POV

The three sibling deities; Selene, Aurora and Helios, watch the activities of the mortal soul they granted permission to return to Earth.

It is true that they were not supposed to let her return, that they were supposed to send her to Heaven, but this is the only chance they will have to put an end to this madness with them directly getting involved with the mortal affairs.

For the past century, their plans for their creations have been continuously tipped and tampered with and Fate is starting to get frustrated. Their creations which are the supernatural beings such as werewolves, vampires, witches and dragons, have been become more rebellious this past century, and with each passing decade, they became worse and worse.

The supernatural beings may not know it, but little things like rejecting the mates that Selene made for them completely messes up Fate's plans for the mortals, and she is getting tired of constantly changing her plans.

You see, when a supernatural being rejects their mate and chooses another, the child that is supposed to be brought into the world by that couple will not be born. The children that are to be born by those couples are to have mates of their own. When those children aren't born, Selene will have to pair their mate with another, but the new couple won't be as much as a perfect match as the one that is to be born resulting in the new couple to reject each other and the cycle just repeated again. If this continues for another millennium, the supernatural species will become extinct and Fate will have to change her plans over and over again.

The three siblings have been very observant of of the mortals this past century and have noticed where these problems have originated from; The Blue Moon Pack.

Approximately 100 years ago, the 5th Beta in the history of the Blue Moon Pack Rejected his mate and mated with the then Alpha's youngest daughter. He was the first supernatural to reject his mate, in fact, there was no such thing as Rejection before then, he was the one who started the notion. After that, other members of the Blue Moon Pack followed in his footsteps and the disease slowly spread out to the rest of the world. Though, not everyone rejects their mate, only about 10% of the population practice Rejection, but that little amount of people is still enough to completely redirect Fate's plans.

And the saddest thing is that Max wasn't the original mate that Selene made for Victoria. Victoria's original mate was supposed to come from the actual linage of the daughter of the Alpha and Max's original mate was supposed to come from the actual lineage of the Beta. Meaning that Maria was not supposed to be born. If the 5th Beta of the Blue Moon Pack had mated with his original mate, Maria and her ancestors would have never existed. All this wouldn't be happening.

It is funny to think how much of a negative impact in the world one person's wrong decisions can make. How much it can tip the balance of the scales between good and evil.

But never in the 100 years that this madness has been going on, has there ever been a case where an Alpha rejects their mate, it is unheard of. What Max did was just the breaking point for Fate, she was furious- no, she was livid. She is starting to get fed up and said that the other gods have to do something about it.

That is why the three gods decided to let Victoria and Verna return to Earth. Yes, Gaia would be furious at them for making that decision, but she will understand that it was the only thing they could do. It is forbidden for gods to directly interfere with the lives of mortals, if not, they could have stopped this as soon as it began.

The gods needed to find a way to teach the supernatural beings a lesson, so they decided to use some of them to serve as an example to others who are thinking of practicing Rejection. They know that the rage and thirst for Vengeance in Victoria and Verna will help them bring down Max and Maria, and hopefully the idea of rejection with them.

It has only been two days since they let her return and they can already see that their plan is starting to bear fruits. What Victoria and Verna don't know is they Selene gave them a little bit of her power to help them in their quest for vengeance, that is why they were able to connect Max's conscience with his parents' souls. Honestly, Aurora and Helios think that Max is a complete idiot. After everything that he has done to them, they still have him a chance to ask for forgiveness, and the fool blew it. And Selene?

She's just thinking of how to intensify Max's punishment in Hell.

What do you guys think? Should Selene just let him burn in Hell for the rest of eternity? Or should they send him directly to Hades himself in the hottest and driest place in Hell so that he can punish Max personally forever?

I choose the latter.

And so do Aurora and Helios.

They know that their cousin Hades is the most heartless and ruthless of all the gods, so sending Max to him seems like an appropriate punishment.

But all they really hope for is that Victoria's revenge will be able to stop the acts of Rejection. The supernatural beings may be a pain in the ass to handle, but that doesn't mean that to the gods want their creations to become extinct.

Victoria, if only you knew how much rests on you and your wolf's shoulders.


A/N: Hola Amigos! I got my inspiration back and decided to post earlier than I said I would.

So... Did you guys see any of that coming? Cuz I didn't. I swear I didn't plan that at all, it just came to me while I was writing.

What do you think will happen next time?

Question of the Chapter.

Q: What is your favorite color(s), and why?

My answer: my favorite color is Harlequin, it is a bright shade of green.

I like it because the name reminds me of the actual DC villain. I also like it because green reminds me of nature and I'm a nature lover 💐💚

I also like blue because it gives me a calm feeling and reminds me of the ocean. I like red as well because it is the color of roses and blood.

Alright, I have to go to sleep now so that my mom will stop bugging me. I love my mom, believe me, but she can be annoying sometimes.

So Goodnight guys 😴( or good morning, depending on where you are in the world )

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