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Narrator's POV


A gift given to us by our maker. Something that everyone has, but doesn't realize it's worth until it's gone. We take advantage of it and live our lives recklessly, and when it's too late, we can only look back and ask ourselves what if?

What if I had done this differently?

But those questions will do nothing but make you feel an endless pit of regret, sorrow and sadness.

It changes nothing.

Never in a million years did Nicole think that she'd have to bury one of her best friends so early in life. Her devastation knows no bounds. The grey, gloomy skies seem to sense her internal sorrow and wept along her.

After the battle in the Blue moon pack with the Resistance having the last laugh, they celebrated and danced with joy knowing that their tyrant leader is no more and a new Alpha, Shawn, had been appointed. Though, their happiness was short lived.

Victoria's borrowed time in the land of the living was almost up, with just a few more days to spare. So, with that in mind, she asked Shawn to collect her remains from the woods and inform her family and friends in her pack of the unfortunate news.

At first, her adoptive parents and best friends, Nicole, John and Joshua, refused to believe it. But they all knew it was true. They felt their formed family bond with her break weeks ago, but were still in denial.

"She just left with her mate a few weeks ago" they said "What could have possibly gone wrong? How did this happen?"

But when Shawn showed their Alpha, Alpha Phoenix, her gruesome remains, it was like reality had finally slapped them in the face.

She was gone. And she's not coming back.

It's not a dream. It's real

Nicole drowns in her regret and self hatred. "Why did I encourage her to go with him?" she thought. "If only I had held her back, prevented her from seeing him, she'd still be here with us, alive."

It was now the last day of Victoria and Verna's borrowed time and their funeral was being held. They still hadn't shown themselves to their family and friends, lest it gave them false hope. Though, they still watched them lament over them from the shadows.

Her coffin was closed, as per her request. She didn't want her family to see what had become of her. The day was gloomy, everything looked to be in black and white and not a single shred of color was seen apart from the dull color of the once vibrant looking grass. Many had attended her funeral, both from the Blue Moon pack and hers. It was a sad day indeed. Such young potential killed by another person's wickedness.

After everyone had paid their respects to her, and her coffin had been lowered into the ground and covered in the earth, only immediate family and friends remained, Shawn, Cota and the twins inclusive.

It was as if looking at the gravestone of her best friend finally made Nicole crack as she fell to the floor and wept as her mate comforted her, whispering sweet nothings in her ear.

Yes, she found her mate. It turns out that her mate was the brother of Cota, who was being held captive by Max, and Cota herself turned out to be the mate of the twins- John and Joshua. It was a bitter sweet moment for them. The people bringing them the news of their friend's demise are the same people who they've been waiting for their whole lives. Fate truly is a cruel mistress.

They buried her beside her parent's graves. And she was happy to be laid to rest beside her blood family.

With bloodshot eyes, Nicole looked up to the sky, praying and wishing she could see her sister one last time, just once more would be enough for her. As she looked forward, she saw a figure in white in the distance- one she could recognize anywhere, one she thought she would never see again.

"Tori?" She asked in disbelief. The figure smiled at her with tears of her own in her eyes. Her parents heard her exclamation and looked forward as well in disbelief, and indeed the person who they just buried six feet below the ground was now standing in front of their own eyes, clad in white.

Victoria was working on borrowed time as she knew that any minute now she would have to go, but she just couldn't resist, she just had the urge to embrace her family one last time. And that's exactly what she did. She materialized herself and ran into the waiting embrace of her family and friends. She stepped back after a few emotional minutes.

No words were exchanged, they weren't needed. They wanted to see her one last time and they got what the wished for. As sad and heartbreaking as it is, they knew it was time for her to go. She stepped back slowly and she glanced at her gravestone.

Victoria .A. Whites.
13th January, 2008 - 3rd April, 2026.

The best friend and a worthy Luna, who fought even in death.

She felt more tears blur her vision. It's like it has finally dawned on her that she will never see her friends again, at least, hopefully, not for a very long time. She'll never achieve her dreams of becoming a teacher. She'll never know how it feels like to carry her own child, the joys of hearing their first screams after entering the world.

Realizing that this is the end. That she is indeed dead.

Nicole and Victoria's dream of buying houses beside each other and growing their own families side by side is now just a fantasy in a long forgotten distant world.

Can you see what the evil in the heart of one person can do? Lives have been cut short because of Max's cruelty, many people died. His parents, the maid and her family, Victoria and many more. Please, don't let evil overtake your life. What may seem like a small, insignificant thing to you, can ruin the lives of others.

When a blinding light started to slowly surround her body, she knew her time was truly coming to an end. She looked at her family longingly wishing she could stay with them a little longer.

"Live your lives to the fullest because you never know what tommorow holds. Don't let the sorrow of my death the consume you. I will always be with you in your heart and memories. I love you all. Until we meet again. Goodbye for now, my friends." And with that, the white light consumed her and Verna and they were gone.

"We love you too, Tori. Until the next life." Nicole whispered to the wind.

I don't believe that this life is the end. We will all meet each other again in the next life or in the afterlife.

There's no such thing as a 'goodbye'. See you later is more like it.

You never know what could happen in the future. If you are ignoring or arguing with a loved one, go and make up, you never know what could happen. It could be the last time you see them. Trust me when I say that you'll regret it if you part ways on bad terms.

Cherish every moment you have with your loved ones, go and give you siblings a call and give your spouse a kiss, because trust me when I say that life is not always going to be fair.

Life can be a bitch sometimes.

Good people get bad luck dealt on them. But the important thing is that you don't let it take you back. It is never too late, unless you are dead.

So please, do some good before you die. Don't let it be too late. Don't let people remember you for notorious reasons. Be the reason someone smiles.

Be good, and you will be remembered for good, like Victoria will be remembered.

She will be remembered as the girl who came back with anger- with a vengeance, to give herself peace and justice. To avenge her death.

/\•/\•The End/\•/\•

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