25: The End (Part 2)

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Narrator's POV

Victoria takes a step towards Max and he took a fearful one back. She grinned maliciously at the fear she has instilled into her tormentor. Although she can't exactly kill him herself, she's sure gonna have fun slugging him to a pulp.

He shook his head and growled, charging at her. He rose his fist and attempted to land a punch on the unmoving red head but his hand and body literally went right through her, causing him to stumble forward a bit with the force and momentum of the punch.

He turned around in confusion, thinking that she had disappeared just as he was going to hit her but he still saw her standing there with that evil grin. Then he realized.

She's a ghost.

Meaning she doesn't have a physical body.

"Oh, you silly girl" he mocked, "How do you plan on beating me, if you can't even touch me! I don't even know why I was worried." He sneered

She just grinned wider "Who said I couldn't touch you?" He just looked at her like she was the equivalent of gum under his shoe, a proud smirk on his face.

His momentary triumph was short lived, because in the blink of an eye she was in front of him and landed a right hook across his jaw and sending him flying back at the unexpected impact.

Oohhhhh... Damn, that's... that's gotta hurt soo bad.

But the most important question is- do we care? In case if you did know, the answer to that is no.

He landed on the floor a few feet back. He groaned and rubbed his quickly bruising jaw which he was sure had a fraction. He stood up again and tried to look intimidating but in reality he was terrified at the fact that this might in fact be his end.

How the hell am I supposed to beat her if I can't attack, damnit! He thought frustrated.

Victoria could see the evident fear on his face, her crazy grin so wide it could put the Joker to shame,"What's wrong Alpha? Are you scared." She asked innocently.

"The hell I am" he growled, "Why would I be scared of a pathetic piece of shit like you!"

If she were still alive with a beating heart, his words would have stung, but now they mean nothing to her, for they are no longer connected.

"Then why don't you come and fight me like a man! Or are you too much of a pussy boy to face such a weak and pathetic she wolf like me" Her mocking words seemed to bruise his over blown ego because as soon as those words left her mouth, he growled ferociously and charged at her again with his claws elongated and ready to draw blood.

But it was futile.

He went right through her and as soon as his back was turned to her, Victoria whipped her still translucent body around and plunged her hand into his back and come out through his stomach then made herself solid again, impaling him creating an immediate wound.

Max screamed in pain and agony as she twisted her hand around roughly swiftly dragged her blood coated hand out. He fell to the ground in a pool of his own blood.

As sadistic as it may sound, Victoria was actually enjoying his pain. She felt a little pang of guilt but it immediately went away once she remembered what he did to her and this only made her anger flare.

She looked down at him and sneered at his face, "Can't get up, can you? Let me help with that."

She roughly pulled him up by his hair up to her level- although his was practically kneeling because or main character is a little, umm...

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