Chapter Fourteen

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Max's POV

I haven't had a wink of sleep. Every time I close my eyes, I see those glowing blue eyes staring at me and I get an uncomfortable chill over my body making me shiver in fear.

Get a hold of yourself Max!

I am a fully grown man. A 23 year old capable Alpha, I can't get scared of a few strange eyes and laughs god damnit! I'm stronger than that and I'm not a coward. It's not like they can harm me or anything. And it could just be a few teenagers playing pranks on me, nothing more.

I take a quick glance at the glowing red numbers on my clock to see that it is 5:30 in the morning and the sun is slowly rising. My lack of sleep is starting to catch up to me as I start to feel my eyes droop. Maybe I can just close my eyes for just five minutes...



I can't see anything around me. It's just... black. It's like I'm in an eternal void of nothingness. It surrounds me.

Consumes me,

Like it's a part of my soul.

I can't even see a single speck of light or colour. How I got here, I don't know. All I know is that I'm not supposed to be here.

Suddenly, I hear a faint voice. It echoes and bounces off the form of this realm.

"Max." It says, "come to me."

My body begins to move against my will towards the sound of the voice, as I have no control over my feet whatsoever. The feminine voice keeps repeating those words as my body blindly follows the harmonious melody. After a while, I come to a stop.

"Max." I whipped my head around surprised by the closeness of the voice behind me, only to be met with more darkness. But then I see something- two pairs of glowing blue eyes- the same as the ones I saw in last night.

"Who are you and what do you want from me?" I asked them as I could not still see their faces due to the darkness.

"You know who we are, mate." The similar voices replied. Immediately they spoke the darkness began to dissolve into thin air making me identify that we are in the forest, and revealing a familiar face.


"That is correct. And this is my wolf, Verna." She proved my assumption correct and motioned to the brown wolf that was standing beside her.

"How can this be possible? Maria and I made sure you wouldn't survive and I felt your death, unfortunately. There is absolutely no way your pathetic self would still be alive. Impossible!"

"Yes" Verna said, "indeed, we are dead. You are not speaking to our physical selves, but instead our souls. Or in layman's terms, our ghosts."

Ghost? I'm definitely dreaming.

"So," Victoria rudely interrupted my thoughts. I told you she was a bitch. "We decided to bring you here to give you a chance."

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