22: The Resistance (Part 2)

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Shawn's POV

"Ok Kota, if you really are against Max then why did you kidnap the kids?"

"Yeah about that," a voice came from behind me "we just did that to get you to come here"

I spun around and saw Lucy nervously rubbing the back of her neck and looking anywhere but me.

"What do you mean?" I asked in a calm voice, but we all know it is the calm before the storm.

"Wait! Calm down. Before you attempt to kill me, just know that I did it for a good reason." She said.

"A good reason? A GOOD REASON! What sort of reason would you have to put my only child in danger?!" I bellowed with my voice cracking at the end.

"Oh would you quit being so melodramatic. Your kid is fine. Unconscious, but he's fine." The witc- I mean Kota, sassed from behind me

Wait... Huh?

I turned back to her confused but still had a deadly look on my face. She must have seen my confusion so she continued.

"My goodness, werewolves are so annoying." She groaned, "I didn't actually hurt the boy or the other kids. We just needed to find a way to get you to come here, since we couldn't confront you within the pack boarders and risk Max or his followers over hearing us. I asked Lucy over here to 'kidnap' your son and some other kids so that Victoria can see and alert you. So calm your man tits."

"So that Victoria can alert me? Does... Does she know about The Resistance? Wait a second... How do you know about Victoria in the first place?"

"First of all, no, she isn't aware of the Resistance, I used a spell to block out the activities of the group to prevent us from being caught by the other witch that's actually working for Max, and it also works on spirits. And second, of course I know about Victoria you idiot, I'm a witch and I can see and talk with ghosts."

That... That actually makes sense.

But why did they want me to come here? Why do they need me?

"Because you are an essential part of the plan to take down Max." Kota said.

Geez... How many people need me in their 'plans'. And did she just read my mind?

"Yes, yes I did just read your mind."

Wooooww. She has the ability to see the future, necromancy and can read minds. What's next, flight and invisibility?


"Please don't"


I sighed. I guess I can trust them. Even though I might hate the witch, we are both fighting against the same person. And you know what they say; the enemy of your enemy is your friend, so I guess I will let them off the hook.

For now.

"Fine. What do you need me for?"

Both Lucy and Kota grinned, looked at each other, then looked back at me. It sent a bad shiver down my spine.

“I have a feeling we won't like this.” Slade groaned.

"We need you,"Lucy started and pointed at me.

"To fight Max for his title." Kota finished.

•  •

•  •  • 


"Ok, calm down." Lucy said.

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