Chapter Nine

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A/N: Okay, so I don't really know much about Greek Mythology apart from the fact that Selene (the moon goddess), Helios (the sun god) and Aurora(goddess of dawn) are siblings and a few other stuff. Though, some things might come from my imagination, But I tried my best here.



Victoria's POV

A blinding white light surrounds my soul. I feel myself transcending into another realm. I open my eyes to find myself standing in the middle of what looks like a court room without the seats of the jury and audience.

Where am I? The last thing I remember is being dumped by Max and Maria in the middle of the woods and seeing a feral rogue stalking towards me. Then it hit me.

I must be dead.

That rogue must have finished the job that Max and Maria didn't.

"Your guess is correct Vicky, you are dead." I jumped in suprise at the voice and whipped my head around to see three people, a man and two women, sitting on the judges sit in a court of law.

"Who are you people, and where am I?" The woman in the center had white skin that looked as soft as it is beautiful had long, beautiful white hair that went on beyond my line of vision obscured by the podium, and her eyes were a stunning vibrant silver color

"Hello my child." Said the woman in the center. "I am the Moon Goddess Selene, your creator. And these two pricks beside me are my brother, Helios the sun god, and my sister, Aurora the goddess of dawn." She motioned to the man on her left and the woman on her right.

I swear that my jaw dropped to the cement floor. I'm standing I the presence of gods!

"Wow! I mean, I know I'm a hot, sexy god but damn, I didn't expect to be dropping jaws." Helios said with a smirk wiggling his eyebrows at me. He had blonde hair, yellow eyes and had a strange yellow tint to his skin like the characters in The Simpsons, but still managed to pull it off and make it look cute.

Wow, cocky much? What the hell am I supposed to say to that?

"Ugh, seriously Helios? Do you have to do this every time that we have to judge a female soul?" Aurora groaned facing her brother. I can tell that they've had this argument multiple times, judging by the evident frustration on the face of the goddess of dawn. She on the other hand had long, wavy auburn coloured hair that was full and looked well taken care of. Her hazel eyes glared at Helios. Surprisingly, she had normal tanned skin.

"Oh come on Aurora, can't a god just enjoy himself sometimes? Life as an immortal deity can be boring sometimes." He sighed and leaned back in his seat, putting his hands behind his head and crossing his legs.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean you have to flirt with every young female spirit that needs to move on to the afterlife." She face palmed.

"Hey! Just because you are already in a relationship with Astraeus, doesn't mean that I can't have a little fun. Besides, I'm still single, hot and searching."

"Can you two just stop bickering for more than five minutes!" I giggled at Selena's frustration. I can practically see the veins sticking out of her forehead.

"Annoying siblings huh?" I ask her.

She turns to me and sighs. "Trust me, you have no idea kid. They just seem to get worse and more childish with each eon that passes."

"Hey! We are not childish!" Aurora and Helios say at the same time to Selena.

"Anyway" Selene drawled out and the three of them became serious. "Victoria Whites, you are dead. This place that you are now is where mortal souls are judged by us deities and decide whether they will be sent to heaven or hell to spend their afterlife, but I'm afraid we can't do that in your case."

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