Chapter Eleven

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Alpha Max's pov

Good riddance.

Maria and I have just dumped the nearly lifeless body of that pathetic She wolf that was supposed to be my mate about two miles outside of my pack territory.

She deserves to be torn apart by the beasts in the wild. At least she's with her kind now, the lowlife rouges, outcasts of the werewolf society.

That sentence brought up a memory. A rouge had the guts to try and attack me a few years ago. Long story short, he's now my carpet.

You know, if I had remembered, I would have skinned Victoria's wolf pelt before I killed her, but alas, I can't turn back time. Her brown coat would have looked lovely on my wall. It would fit the background perfectly.

I didn't bother to put much effort into disposing of her body. The wild animals will do that job for me. It's not like she's coming back anyway, we made sure that she won't be able to survive. And we also made sure to erase any evidence of her being in my cabin.

The clean up is always the least fun part of everything. Almost makes me want to stop killing people.


Maria and I decided to return to the pack house so that the pack members won't be suspicious. I don't usually stay in my cabin for extended periods of time, but I have been sleeping there for the past three weeks, since I brought back Victoria. Even if they are suspicious, they can't confront me because I am highly feared - even Maria fears me.

In reality, I'm just using her for sex. I don't care about her at all and since she's the sexiest female in my pack that has enough courage to try and seduce me, I guess I'll just have to make due with her, plus, she's really good in bed. Even though I could just find one of the pack females and force them to be with me like I usually do, sometimes I just want to have the pleasure without all the hassle. They like to struggle too much for my liking. Mated or not, they are in my pack so they are obliged to obey my every command.

And if their mate doesn't like that, then I'll kill them. The mate bond is nothing, they should be honored that their Alpha wants to spend time with their mate.

Also, I need to have a Luna before the end of the month because those stupid old hags that are called Elders have been up my ass on this case for the past years, and there is no way in hell that I was going to let that pathetic, useless, good-for-nothing creature, Victoria be my Luna. She's pretty, yes, but she doesn't meet my standards. And she refused to give me her body, so of what use was she to me other than that?

I am the Alpha of one of the biggest packs ever, I deserve a far better female than her. One that looks strong and is very good in satisfying me - like Maria. And since I can't bear the embarrassment that comes with my mate, I decided to have fun with her in another way. Torture. Her screams and cries of pain were music to my ears. But she eventually became boring to me and her screams no longer entertained me, so I decided to dispose of her.

As these thoughts run through my head, a sudden pain goes through my chest. It feels like my heart is being stabbed with a silver dagger. I groan and fall to the forest floor clutching my chest.

"Maxi! Maxi, baby what's wrong?" Maria said kneeling at my side and holding my head in her hands.

"I think that bitch that we dropped a mile back has finally died, but the stupid potion I drank isn't preventing me from feeling the pain." I growl out still holding my chest. Damn that stupid witch, I swear I'm going to kill her for her potion not numbing the pain when I find her.

After about 2 minutes of feeling the pain of her earthly departure, I felt an even greater pain go through my entire body.

Damnit! I thought it was over.

It feels like my entire soul is being torn to pieces. It is so intense that I let out a scream into the night sky and thrash on the floor. I can hear Maria talking but I can't hear her. I feel Marvin thrash and whimper pathetically inside my head.

' What have you done Max! My mate is dead and it's all your fault!! I hate you and I hope you go to hell for what you have done to her. From this day onwards you are dead to me, you are on your own. Goodbye Maximus, I hope you are happy with yourself. Enjoy your life with Maria.'

That was the most Marvin has spoken to me since I became Alpha. After his little speech, I don't feel his constant pestering presence in my mind. That bastard blocked me out and left me to deal with this pain on my own, what a coward! I am still thrashing in pain on the floor and screaming in pain when all of a sudden it stops and I collapse on the floor, panting and sweating.

"Baby are you okay?" Maria asked putting her hand on my cheek.

"I'm fine. Leave me alone." I growled out slapping her hand away from me and standing up and continuing our journey to the Pack House. One though ran through my head during this and it was...

I regret nothing.

/\/\/\/\/\ 🐺🐺🐺/\/\/\/\/\

Marcus's POV ( Max's wolf )

I hate my human. I am so sick and tired of Max's attitude towards me. He always blocks me out and never listens to me, he even made mental chains on me damnit!

He has done despicable things, things I don't agree with. He rules the pack as a tyrant and shows no sympathy to our pack members. He punishes them for every little thing that goes wrong. I truly have a heartless human soul tied to me.

But what he has done to our mate, I will never forgive him for that. And feeling the pain of rejection and death of our mate was the last straw for me.

' What have you done Max! My mate is dead and it's all your fault!! I hate you and I hope you go to hell for what you have done to her. From this day onwards you are dead to me, you are on your own. Goodbye Maximus, I hope you are happy with yourself. Enjoy your life with Maria.'

After that I blocked him out. And I mean it, I will never speak to him again. He has done too much damage, he doesn't even deserve to be called her mate. I say a silent prayer to the Moon Goddess asking her to please pardon me from the crimes of my human, so that I won't be condemned to hell with him for his actions of blasphemy. I also pray to ask her to guide my mate Victoria and her wolf Verna safely into heaven.

"It is alright my child." I hear a calming voice speak to me. "You and Muffy will be pardoned from Max's and Maria's crimes and you will be able to see your mate again soon in Heaven. Calm your soul, your human shall be punished dearly for his crimes, along with Maria."

I felt at peace and I hope that this misery will end soon.


A/N: Suprise! I felt like giving you guys a filler on Marcus's feelings about what Max is doing.
I also felt like letting Max feel some pain because he's an asshole. Muah ha ha haa😈😼

The next chapter is going to be in Maria's POV.
Who do you think Muffy is?
So what do you think will happen next?🤔
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Bye 🥰

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