23: Phase one

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A/N: Sorry. I just realized that I changed Maria's surname in the cast, but I've changed it back now.

*The day following the previous chapter. In the afternoon*

Maria's POV

"Is this what you call an omelette?!" I shouted at one of the incompetent omegas.

"What's wrong with it ma'am?" The stupid brunette asked, as if she didn't know what was wrong.

"Oh, don't give me that crap. You know exactly what is wrong with it.

"I-I... I don't know what your talking about Ms Knox" The pathetic little thing said.


"Oh. Sorry ma'am. I'm still learning how to cook so I must have done it by accident-" I scoffed, cutting her off in the process.

Accident my ass.

I took the plate full of the omelette and bacon and poured it all in the brown hair of the pathetic waste of air then proceeded to throw the plate in front of her, making it break.

"Clean up this mess and make me a new breakfast. You know what, I don't want an omelette anymore. Bake me an apple pie, AND DON'T TRY TO POISON ME THIS TIME!" I said, turning back around to sit back in my chair. Hopefully the moron will get it right this time.

"Yes Ms Knox." She sighed as bent down to pick up the broken plate and I faintly heard her muttered under her breath.

"Freaking banshee. You go bake an apple pie if it's sooo simple."

How dare she call me a banshee! I guess I'll have to show her her place.

I took one of the glass cups from the table and threw it on the floor, causing it to shatter into various pieces.

I turned back towards her and grabbed a fistful of her hair, making extra sure to dig my perfectly done nails into her scalp to draw blood. I internally sighed. Great, now the bitch has ruined my nails.

She groaned in pain but I didn't care. I dragged her to the place where the broken glass was and slapped her across her face and let go of her hair so that she falls to the floor and into the broken glass pieces and she screamed when they embedded in her skin.

I scoffed. She's a werewolf for crying out loud, she shouldn't fret over such miniscule things like broken glass wounds, it'll completely heal over in a few hours anyways. Just another thing to add to the list of reasons why people like her are pathetic.

I crouched down at her shaking and bleeding form and took a hold of her hair again, pulling her up to my face. I bent down towards her left ear and whispered into her ear.

"Listen to me and listen well. Never again should you regard me with such disrespect again. I am your Luna, and low lives like you should bow down to me because with a single word, I can have you killed. I'd be careful if I were you."

I stood up to my full height and kicked her in the shin, "I want this place to be spotless by the time I come back. And don't bother about the pie anymore, you'd probably burn it anyways." I turned around and find that most of the other workers stopped and looked towards me with horror and fear.

Good. They should fear me.

"What are you scumbags doing standing around? Get back to work!" They still stood around staring like idiots, "NOW! Nobody should help this girl, THAT'S YOUR LUNA'S ORDER! "

Some of them flinched and continued their jobs while others just continued walking. One particular blonde haired blue eyed girl -Lucy, I think her name was- just stood there. She gave me the stink eye as she looked me up and down. She then closed her eyes and sighed while shaking her head, muttering something under her breath that I couldn't quite catch.

"What was that?" I snapped at her.

She just looked up at me and groaned, "That's none of your business, bimbo."

I felt rage fill me and I took dangerously slow and calm steps towards her until I was just inches away from her, my heels making me tower over her.

"That's no way to speak to your Luna now, is it?"

She smirked and rose her head up to look at me in the eyes, "But you aren't my Luna."

"Yes, I am your Luna. I bear your Alphas mark so you will answer to me."

"No, you are not. You and Alpha Max haven't performed the initiation rituals in witness of the pack, so untill then, you're just some wannabe bitch who whines and cries if their orders aren't followed."

I chuckled darkly and shook my head. Oh, such a naïve girl. I leaned down and took her jaw into a tight grip and then, I kissed her.

I moved my lips against her soft pink ones, sparks fly and she groaned. I brushed my tongue against her lips asking for entrance which she granted. I then slipped my tongue into her warm mouth fighting for dominance which I won-

I'm joking, I'm joking. Geez, I didn't actually kiss her. Do I look like some kind of disgusting faggot to you?

A/n: This is just how Maria's character views gay people. I myself am actually pretty cool with them and I respect the Lgbtqia community.

Anyways, I leaned down and took her jaw in my hands - no, I'm not going to kiss her - and said to her, "But you see Lucy, or whatever your name is, I am going to perform the ritual with Maxi in front of the whole pack on Saturday. Today is Thursday, so spend your hours wisely, because when that day comes and officially your leader, I'll make sure to make your life hell."

I let go of her jaw and she rubbed it as a bruise started to form, but she still grinned at me. "Great, I'm looking forward to it. You too should count down the hours, because I can tell that it's going to be a very memorial day." Then she just walked away.

I huffed and started my journey up the stairs to my room. All the idiots in this place have really made me tired. I'll just take a short nap.

I opened the door and walked in, turning to close and lock the door because I didn't want to be disturbed. When I turned back around, I nearly screamed when I saw a white ghostly female figure standing in the middle of my room.

It had two green glowing eyes, but that's all I could identify about it as the rest of it's face and body was covered in white. But it did feel eerily familiar though. Before I could properly process what was happening, the ghostly figure dispersed into white mist which came rushing towards me.

I couldn't even move before it completely surrounded me and before I could scream for help, everything became dark. And in the darkness, I heard a familiar voice say;

"Phase one is complete."


A/N: Hola Amigos! What do you think about this chapter?

We all know who that white ghostly figure with green eyes was, so I'm not going to ask who you think it was

Welp, goodnight everyone (or good morning)

Adios 🙋🏾‍♀️

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