Drama Scene

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Dylan's pov:

I had theater class this morning so I had to wake up early and I didn't get much sleep during the night. The practice went awful. Everyone was like touching my nerves, I was getting angry easily and my teacher told me to go take some air. That's what I did. I am now at some café I like to go when I'm tired. I usually go with people though, right now I am alone at my table, in the back of the store. Some strangers look at me since I entered, but I don't pay much attention. I am trying to chill out with my latte covered of wiped cream and cookie crumbles.

- Needed something else, young sir?

A woman walks to me, applying a gentle smile on her face. I tell her I'm fine and she leaves as silently as she came. I bring back my eyes on my latte, taking a sip of it while freeing my head of some stuff like the rude guy I met on the street on my way here, or the ugly face of this flirty girl in my theater class. Or again, the laugh of my annoying older brother when he pranked me with spoilt milk when I woke up. I am in a calm place, nothing can be wrong. As I take another sip, some random guy comes to my table and slams his hand on it.

- This is my place, kid! Move it!

I ignore him first, but then he grabs my arm and pulls it. I look at him in the eyes. He looks like the type who causes trouble with weaker than self. I eventually stand up, where I see that I'm taller than him, and apologize. I walk out of the store and go back to theater class in silence, even more pissed than I was before.


- And action!

The teacher's words hit me right out of my zone out, bringing me back on the stage. What role was I playing already?

- Excuse me sir, can I read my lines again before we start?

- Dylan, we've been practicing this scene for now 3 weeks. How can you not remember your part by heart yet?

- It's just that I'm not having the best day right now, I am a bit distracted and all.

The teacher sighs and sends me to the backstage for 5 minutes to practice. I walk there and read my lines, now remembering the whole thing. It was one of this drama scenes we see in the movies : the girl cheating on the man of the house, both screaming at each other about it to end up telling all the truth to each other. I walk back on stage before my 5 minutes is over and nod at my teach.

- Alright. Ready! And.. Action!

I start the first, showing an expression of disgust to my scene partner.

- Oh, my sweet Angela! How dared you sleep with a man other than me?

- You are no handsome like he is, Marcus, accept it. He has better view, better personality, more money.

- Money, I have plenty, Angela, so why running after boys while you have me, a man of trust?

- I don't want no trust, I want a real life full of diamonds and gold!

She turns her back on me, walking away from me slowly, like the script mentions. She is good actress, I believe she will have a future.

- Gold is nothing compared to true love, my dear!

I start walking behind her, trying to reach out to her arm. She turns back to me and we could read anger on her face. Perfectly into character.

- True love? Does a man of trust let his woman at home alone more than a few hours? Does he work all day without paying any attention to her? Does he forget their 3rd anniversary?

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